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词汇 一肚子
例句 He has a bellyful of absorbing tales.他有一肚子好听的故事。He is a storehouse of repartee.一肚子全是对答如流的妙语巧辩。He has had a chip on his shoulder ever since he didn't get the promotion he was expecting.自从未能如愿升职以来,他就憋着一肚子的怨气。He was simmering with anger/resentment.他当时憋着一肚子怒火/怨恨。He has a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men.他有一肚子关于名人的趣闻轶事。He sounded very sorry for himself on the phone.他在电话里听上去一肚子怨气。They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies.他们填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。He was great company with his endless stream of stories.他是个让人开心的好伙伴,有着一肚子讲不完的故事。He was a storehouse of information.他装着一肚子的知识。




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