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词汇 bookshop
例句 It was bought not from any old second-hand bookshop but from an antiquarian bookseller.这本书不是从老二手书店而是从一个古书商那里买到的。I was browsing in a bookshop when I chanced upon an old friend.我在逛书店时碰巧遇见一位老朋友。I spent Sunday afternoon poking around an old bookshop.星期天下午我在一家老书店打发时间。As a manager of a bookshop, I have to have my finger on the pulse of the publishing industry.作为书店经理,我必须掌握出版行业的脉搏。By a stroke of luck I came across it in a local bookshop.我幸运地在当地一家书店发现了它。A new bookshop had opened in the high street.那条大街上开了一家新书店。We went and had tea in that little café - you remember, the one next to the bookshop.我们去了一家小咖啡馆喝茶——你没有忘吧,书店旁边的那家咖啡馆。His bookshop acted as a concealment for his illegal activities.他的书店是他非法活动的掩护场所。The bookshop was entrusted with the receipt of subscriptions.该书店受委托办理收订手续。He showed us a rare edition on which he had lighted in a bookshop.他让我们看他在一家书店偶然买到的一部珍本。I own a bookshop and would like to expand.我开了一家书店,希望能扩大业务。Look, there's that bookshop I was telling you about.看,那就是我跟你说过的那家书店。A fire gutted the bookshop last week.上周一场火把书店给烧了个精光。There's a little bookshop just round the corner.拐角处就有一家小书店。I finally ran a copy to earth in a second-hand bookshop.我找了好久,终于在一家二手书店找到了一本。The number of people browsing in the bookshop increases sharply during lunch time.午餐时间内去这家书店浏览书刊的人数骤然增多。Which bookshop has the largest selection of EFL materials?哪家书店里面有关非母语英语教学的材料最多?I owned a bookshop and desired to expand the business.我开了一家书店,希望能扩大业务。Donald wants to retire and open up a bookshop.唐纳德想退休,然后开一家酒吧。




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