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词汇 where it is
例句 I don't even know where it is.我甚至连它在哪里都不知道。We need to make sure that the funding goes to areas where it is most needed.我们必须确保资金流向最需要的地方。Origami comes from Japan, where it is still widely practised.折纸艺术源于日本,在那里现在仍然有很多人从事这一行当。The process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible.南非的政治变革已达到不可逆转的地步。Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。Leave that chair where it is.把那把椅子留在原处。The government is at a stage where it is willing to talk to almost anyone.政府现在几乎愿意与任何人对话。Follow the south shore, crossing the river where it is shallow enough.沿着南岸,找个水浅的地方过河。The acid bites into the metal, where it is exposed, leaving behind lines sunk into the plate.酸性物质腐蚀了暴露在外的金属部分,在板材上留下一道道凹痕。She doesn't want to go, that's where it is.她不愿去,问题就在这里。The miser buried his gold in secret and no one knows where it is.那个守财奴把黄金埋在隐蔽处,无人知道在哪儿。The oil is piped to the coast, where it is refined.原油经管道输送到海岸,在那里提炼。All the fruit is taken to the warehouse where it is graded and packed.所有水果都会运到仓库里分级和包装。No-one knows with absolute certainty exactly where it is.没有人确切知道它究竟在哪里。The government is at a stage where it is willing to talk.政府现在愿意与他人对话。I want to play for a top club and I don't mind where it is.我想为顶级俱乐部踢球,至于在哪里踢无所谓。




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