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词汇 发痒
例句 His casual arrogance never failed to set my teeth on edge.他那种漫不经心的傲慢态度每次都气得我牙根发痒Most rashes itch.大多数皮疹会发痒The pinpricks of sweat made her flesh itch.汗水刺得她皮肤发痒Her lips were close to his head and her breath tickled his ear.她的嘴唇贴近他的头,她的呼吸让他耳朵发痒Dandruff is characterized by a scaly and sometimes itchy scalp.头皮屑的特征是头皮呈鳞片状,有时会发痒My finger itched on the trigger-guard.我的手指发痒,真想打开保险扣动扳机。This wool sweater itches.这件羊毛衫让人身上发痒She wore a yellow hat with a feather that tickled her ear.她戴了一顶黄色的帽子,上面的羽毛弄得她耳朵发痒The dog was scratching at an itch behind its left ear.狗在抓挠左耳朵后面发痒的部位。I can't wear wool - it makes me itch.我不能穿毛料衣服——穿了就浑身发痒His wool shirt always itches him.他那件羊毛衫老是弄得他身上发痒My eyes sometimes get red and itchy in the summer.夏天,我的眼睛有时会红肿发痒My nose started to tickle.我的鼻子开始发痒The costume is made from scratchy material.这套服装的布料使人皮肤发痒He was bothered with an itching back.他背脊发痒很不好受。Symptoms include red, itchy and inflamed skin.症状包括皮肤发红、发痒、发炎。Symptoms include itchy, burning eyes.产生的症状包括眼部灼热发痒After three months in one place I get itchy feet, I have to go to another city.在一个地方待了三个月后,我便会脚底发痒,必须前往另外一个城市。The wounds started to itch and she scratched the scabs off.伤口开始发痒,她把痂搔掉了。The tag on the sweater tickled his neck.毛衣上的标签弄得他脖子发痒This sweater makes me itch.这件毛衣使我的皮肤发痒This can cause extreme dryness, irritation and itchiness.这会导致极度干燥、疼痛及发痒She doesn't like wool because it can be itchy.她不喜欢毛料衣服,因为它会让皮肤发痒Bubbles from the champagne were tickling her nose.香槟酒溢出的泡沫让她的鼻子发痒Her fingers positively itched with the desire to slap his face.她觉得自己手指头都发痒了,真想扇他一耳光。The heat made me itch all over.这股热劲令我浑身发痒My eyes are/feel itchy.我的眼睛发痒My nose tickles from the dust and I want to scratch it.我的鼻子受灰尘的刺激发痒,我很想搔它。I've got an itch on the back of my neck.我脖子后面有一处发痒Wigs are itchy and uncomfortable.假发让人感觉发痒,很不舒服。The label on this shirt itches me.这件衬衫上的标签刺得我发痒My nose is tickling, I think I'm going to sneeze.我鼻子发痒,我想我要打喷嚏了。Her skin was itchy and beginning to flake.她的皮肤发痒并开始成片剥落。My eyes felt itchy and runny.我的眼睛发痒还流泪。




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