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The dynamo conked out so we've got no electricity.发电机突然失灵,所以我们没电了。There are standby generators but these usually only have to work for a few hours a year during power cuts.有备用发电机,不过通常一年只在断电时使用几个小时。A water turbine drives the generator.这台发电机是靠水轮机推动的。When I lifted the bonnet, the noise seemed to be coming from the alternator.我掀起引擎罩的时候,发现噪声似乎是从交流发电机中传出来的。Especially after our confining journey through the canyon wall, the generator room was an awesome sight.才刚走过狭窄的峡谷隧道,发电机室看起来格外壮观。He switched off mains electricity and got Tim to pedal a generator instead.他切断主电源,让蒂姆用脚踏发电机发电。A metal tube split open in the steam generator of the nuclear power plant.核电厂的蒸汽发电机上的一支金属管裂了。Huge generators were pumping out black smoke.巨大的发电机冒出滚滚黑烟。Much of the town lost electricity in the storm, but for people with generators it was business as usual.城里大部分地区都因暴风雨停电了,但是对有发电机的人来说一切照常。You can wire the generator to a car battery.你可以把发电机连到汽车电池上。A dynamo is used to generate electricity.发电机用于发电。A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity.发电机将机械能变成电。They can run all the hospital's equipment off the emergency generator if necessary.如果必要,他们可以用应急发电机为医院的所有设备供电。An automatic voltage regulator ensured a constant output from the generator.一个自动电压调节器保证了发电机电流输出的稳定。They have a generator when the electricity fails.他们有一台发电机,以备停电时所需。The jail's generator failed to activate after the power cut.断电后,监狱的发电机无法启动。A dynamo on a bicycle will power a pair of lights while the wheels are going around.自行车发电机在车轮转动时可为两盏灯提供电力。The generator provides enough electricity to power several homes.这台发电机可以给好几个家庭提供足够的电力。The generator is positioned outside the water duct.发电机安放在输水管之外。The generator is running nicely.这部发电机运行得很好。He brought it down, hooked it up, and we got the generator going.他把它拿下来连接好,我们就启动发电机运转了。When I eventually stopped and lifted the bonnet, the noise seemed to be coming from the alternator.当我最终停下车打开引擎盖后,发现噪声似乎是从交流发电机中传出来的。His voice was barely audible above the noise of the generator.发电机的声音太响,几乎听不见他说话的声音。Our new generator runs entirely on recycled fuel. That's the beauty of it.我们这种新款发电机完全以再循环燃料为动力,这就是它的好处。The two generators operate in parallel.这两台发电机并联发电。The dynamo conked out so we've got no electricity.发电机出了故障,所以停电了。The generator supplies emergency lighting.发电机提供紧急照明。The emergency generator had definitely seen better days, but they assured me that it still worked.这台应急发电机显然已经破旧,但是他们向我保证还能用。We bought an electric generator as a standby.我们买了一台发电机备用。The generator supplies power for lighting.发电机提供照明用电。The generator shuts off automatically.这台发电机能自动停。 |