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词汇 一栋
例句 His workshop connected with a small building in the garden.他的工作间连着花园里的一栋小楼。They have a villa in Spain.他们在西班牙有一栋别墅。It was a handsome house situated on a large lot.那是一栋占地面积很大的漂亮房子。The whole town was astounded to hear of a plan to build an office building right next to the lake.听到计划要在湖边造一栋办公大楼,全镇的人都感到震惊。The firms intend to open either together under one roof or alongside each other in shopping malls.这些公司想一起开在同一栋大楼里,或者彼此紧挨着开在大型购物中心里。He hangs out in an old house.他住在一栋旧房子里。As we don't have money to buy a new house, we have to lease one.因为我们没有钱买一栋新房,所以我们只好长期租用。They bought a nice split-level in a quiet neighborhood.他们在安静的街区买了一栋漂亮的错层式房子。It looks like a big house, but inside it's a different story.它看上去像是一栋大房子,但里面却不是这么回事。You wait - by next year she'll be wanting a bigger house!你等着瞧——明年她就会想要一栋更大的房子了!They bought a nice little house near the beach.他们在海滩附近买了一栋漂亮的小房子。They live in an enormous house.他们住在一栋极大的房子里。They were an average family living a boring life in a nondescript little house in the suburbs.他们是一个普普通通的家庭,住在郊区一栋毫不起眼的小房子里,生活平淡无味。They bought a Colonial on a quiet street.他们买了一栋位于一条安静街道上的美国殖民地时期风格的两层楼房。What a beautiful house! I'd love to see around it.真是一栋漂亮的房子!我很愿意四处看看。They rented an apartment in a building overlooking Central Park.他们在一栋俯瞰中央公园的大楼里租了一套公寓。Julia used to brag that her family had a villa in Spain.朱莉娅以前老吹嘘她家在西班牙有一栋别墅。Her company is in a suite of midtown offices overlooking Park Avenue.她的公司在市中心俯视公园大道的一栋办公楼的套间内。It is a single-story timber building.这是一栋木质平房。It's a beautiful Victorian house, meticulously restored.这是一栋漂亮的维多利亚时期的房子,经过了认真的修复。She lives on the second floor of a five-story building.她住在一栋五层楼房的第二层。They have a timeshare in Majorca.他们在马略卡岛拥有一栋分时享用的度假屋。They moved to a house with lots of storage space.他们搬到了一栋有很大贮存空间的房子里。The manor was a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden.庄园主宅第是一栋环抱在美丽的花园中的大理石房子。They live in a big barn of a house.他们住在一栋空荡荡的大房子里。He owns a mansion in Oxfordshire and has a private jet.他在牛津郡拥有一栋豪宅,还有一架私人喷气式飞机。They lived in a remote house set high on a woody hillside.他们住在一栋偏远的房子里,高高地坐落在长满树木的山坡上。They own a weekend retreat in the country.他们在乡下有一栋周末度假小屋。They took care of a ten-room house without help.他们没请任何人帮忙,自己打理着一栋十居室的房子。She works in an anonymous brick building.她在一栋很不起眼的砖楼里上班。They live in a two-bedroomed house in the heart of suburbia.他们住在设施缺乏的市郊中心区一栋两居室的房子里。The theatre is housed in a large building fronting Canning Street.戏院设在面朝坎宁大街的一栋大楼里面。The machinery is housed in a special building.机器存放在一栋特设的楼里。The woman who became his wife would be acquiring not just a husband but a run-down house and a parcel of financial worries.女人嫁给他,得到的不仅是一个丈夫,还会有一栋破烂的房子和一大堆经济问题。She lives in a beautiful brownstone in Manhattan.她居住在曼哈顿一栋漂亮的褐砂石外墙的房子里。I'd almost given up hope of finding a house I liked, and then suddenly this one turned up.我几乎已经放弃了找到一栋自己喜欢的房子的希望,这时这一栋突然出现了。It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away.一栋如此气势辉煌的大楼就任其腐朽颓败,令人满腔愤慨。An enormous volume of explosives was stockpiled inside one of the buildings.其中一栋大楼内贮存了大量的炸药。Management has been playing with the idea of moving to a different building.管理层对考虑迁往另一栋楼这事一直不太上心。We lived in an apartment building for several years before buying a house..在买房子之前,我们在一栋公寓楼里住了好几年。




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