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I live on the same street as Peter.我和彼得住在同一条街上。He pointed down a street leading off from the square.他指着从广场通出来的一条街。We could hear them banging their drums in the next street.我们听得见他们在下一条街上敲鼓。People crammed every street leading to the square.人们挤满了通向广场的每一条街道。Mozart is remembered by a street named after him.为纪念莫扎特,一条街道以他的名字命名。He has a street named after him in New York.在纽约有一条街道是以他的名字命名的。We live in a street off Soho Road and there's rubbish tipped everywhere.我们住在离索霍路不远的一条街上,那里到处都是乱倒的垃圾。Winnetka has that small-town ambience of tree-lined streets and a one-street shopping district that you can't find in suburbia.温内特卡有小镇特有的气氛—两边都是树木的街道,一条街的购物区。这种气氛在郊区是见不到的。She has a street named after her.有一条街道以她的名字命名。 |