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词汇 一晚
例句 She spent a night in the nick.她在警局待了一晚He was detained overnight for tests.他被留院一晚做化验。She spent the night under observation.她在密切监护下度过了一晚The noise went on all night, without a single moment's respite.噪音响了整整一晚,一刻也不停息。This is the most awful evening I can ever remember.这是我记忆中最可怕的一晚She stayed the night at Kathryn's.她在凯瑟琳那儿留宿一晚I spent the night with her/him.我和她/他睡了一晚A night on the town may help to break the monotony of the week.进城住一晚或许有助于消除一周生活的单调。They boozed it up the night before the wedding.结婚前一晚他们疯狂饮酒。An evening with Peter was preferable to being at home alone.与彼得共度一晚比独自在家好。The doctors have decided to keep him overnight but there is nothing to be alarmed about.医生决定让他留院一晚,但这没什么可担心的。Soak the couscous overnight in the juice of about six lemons.将蒸粗麦粉在大约六个柠檬挤出的汁里浸泡一晚He was kept in hospital overnight as a precautionary measure.他在医院住了一晚以防万一。There were several things about that evening that marked it out as very unusual.一晚因几件事情显得非同寻常。I spent a night in the clink. 我在牢里待了一晚She'll have to spend/stay the night in the hospital. 她得在医院过一晚She runs a downtown hostel for backpackers - the cost only $5 a night.她在市中心开了一家专门招待背包旅行者的招待所,才五美元一晚She felt obliged to offer him a bed for the night.她感觉不得不让他留宿一晚They went club-hopping. 他们一晚出入了好几家夜总会。I spent an enjoyable evening at the Theatre Royal.我在皇家大剧院度过了愉快的一晚He was taken to the local hospital and kept in overnight to sleep off the effects of the drug.他被送往当地的医院住了一晚,睡一觉以消除药品的作用。Except for traffic noise the night passed peacefully.除了车流的噪音,那一晚过得很平静。The decision to keep him in hospital for a second night underlines the seriousness of his injury.让他在医院再住一晚的决定表明了其伤势的严重性。The evening was a real turnoff.一晚真令人倒胃口。He arose refreshed after a good night's sleep.好好睡了一晚后,他起床时又精神抖擞了。On Maggie's last night in the house, Jo gave a little farewell party.玛吉在家的最后一晚,乔举办了一个小型告别会。Mix together all the ingredients and leave them to macerate in the fridge overnight.将所有配料混合在一起,放在冰箱里浸渍一晚He rose refreshed after a good night's sleep.一晚酣睡之后,他精神振作地起了床。I suggest we gather enough firewood to last the night.我建议大家捡足够多的木柴来撑过这一晚The trip includes an overnight stop in Paris.旅程包括在巴黎逗留一晚She said his friends could sleep over in the big room downstairs.她说他的朋友们可以在楼下的大房间里住一晚Soak the beans overnight before cooking.烹调前,先把豆子泡一晚Residents claim they heard gunshots on the night Billy was murdered.居民说他们在比利被杀的那一晚听到了枪声。Feel free to stay over if you don't want to drive home tonight.如果你今晚不想开车回家,尽管在这住一晚好了。You've heard my offer. Why don't you sleep on it and let me know what you decide.你已经知道我的建议。考虑一晚再告诉我你的决定吧。We slept overnight at the beach.我们在海滩上住了一晚He glommed onto me at the party, and I was stuck talking to him all night.他在聚会上一直黏着我,我只好和他聊了一晚This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.这药将保证你一晚睡眠良好。That evening police forced the door of the flat and arrested Mr Roberts.一晚,警察强行打开公寓大门,逮捕了罗伯茨先生。For the little extra it'll cost, we might just as well stay for another night.只需多花一点儿钱,我们完全可以再住一晚




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