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词汇 bones
例句 He longed to get home to bed and rest his weary bones.他盼望回家躺在床上,休息一下疲惫的身体。The two bones are articulated like a hinge.这两块骨头由关节铰链般连接起来。She felt in her bones that nothing had changed.她强烈地感受到一切都没有改变。The bones should knit in a couple of weeks.在两周内折骨将会愈合。The birds picked the bones clean. = The bones were picked clean by the birds.鸟儿把骨头啄得干干净净。I don't need all the details - just give me the bare bones.我不需要所有的细节——只告诉我梗概就行。As your baby grows bigger, his bones become less pliable.随着宝宝的成长,其骨骼的柔韧性会降低。Anyway, I'm not overweight - my bones are just heavier than most people's - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!不管怎么说,我都没有超重——只是我的骨头比大多数人的重一点——这是我一直坚持的说法。Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!棍棒和石头可以打断我的骨头,但各种诬蔑性的绰号却对我毫无伤害!Weeks in an open boat had reduced the surviving crew members to skin and bones.幸存的船员在无遮蔽的小船上漂流了几个星期后,一个个瘦得皮包骨。She picked the meat from the bones.她将骨头上的肉剔去。Like most dogs, she loved to crunch bones.她像大多数狗一样,非常喜欢嘎吱嘎吱地啃骨头。The survival of the proteins depends on the way in which bones are fossilised.蛋白质是否存留取决于骨头被石化的方式。The system was built on the dead bones of the pioneers.这个制度是建筑在先驱者累累白骨之上的。Weight-bearing exercise is very good for the bones.负重运动对骨骼十分有益。The skeleton consists of differently shaped bones held together by ligaments.人体骨架是由依靠韧带连接的形状相异的骨头构成。Doctors painstakingly pieced together the broken bones.医生们精心地把碎骨拼合起来。The disease eventually deforms the bones.这种病最终会导致骨骼畸变。The child was so thin that you could see her bones.这孩子瘦得可怜,都能看见她的骨头。The clavicle is one of the most commonly fractured bones.锁骨是最经常骨折的骨头之一。Broken bones always take time to heal.骨折总是要很长时间才能痊愈。Swimming is helpful for bones that are porous and weak.游泳有助于改善骨质疏松和骨骼脆弱。Excavators uncovered the bones of a Viking warrior.考古发掘者发现了维金勇士的尸骨。We have outlined only the bare bones of the method.我们只粗略地介绍了这个方法的基本要点。The boys found some bones on the floor of the cave.男孩子们在洞穴底部发现了一些骸骨。I found two dogs digging in the garden, looking for bones.我看到两条狗在花园里翻扒着找骨头。Your ribs are bruised, but I don't feel any broken bones.你的肋骨挫伤了,但我没摸到断骨。He broke one of the bones in his hand.他手上一根骨头断了。Her hip bones jutted out.她的髋骨突了出来。The bones of oxen were bleaching in the sun beside the trail.小路旁边,一堆牛骨在阳光的炙烤下正慢慢失去颜色。Several people were treated for broken bones.数人接受了断骨治疗。My bones are aching from working in the garden.在花园干活儿累得我浑身酸疼。Her sallow skin was drawn tightly across the bones of her face.她那蜡黄的皮肤紧紧地包着脸上的骨头。The night air chilled my bones.夜间的气候使我寒冷彻骨。Mary made no bones about enjoying a drink.玛丽大大方方地喝了一杯。The two lines of bones are set perpendicular to one another.这两排骨头相互垂直。Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it.戴德利表示支持后,斯塔福德–克拉克毫不迟疑地再次申请了这份工作。Her bones felt as delicate as a bird's.她的骨头摸上去像小鸟的骨头一样纤细。You can even make stock from the bones, so that nothing goes to waste.你甚至可以用骨头来做汤料,所以没有什么会被浪费掉。Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it.当戴德利对他表示支持时,斯塔福德-克拉克毫不迟疑地再次申请了这份工作。




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