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词汇 一切都是
例句 It had all begun when he was riding an interstate bus to Oregon.一切都是从他搭乘开往俄勒冈的州际巴士开始的。There was nothing uneventful about his life.他一生中的一切都是不平凡的。And lest you think I'm joking, let me assure you that everything I've said is true.为了不让你以为我在开玩笑,我向你保证,我所说的一切都是真的。This is all part of a new back-to-basics campaign to raise standards in schools.一切都是为进一步提高学校的教学水平而倡导的回归本始的新运动的一部分。When I was at school I thought that everything my teachers told me was the gospel truth.我在学校念书时,我以为老师告诉我的一切都是绝对的真理。Everything I had heard about him was true.我听说的关于他的一切都是真实的。It's all relative, isn't it? Someone who is poor in this country might be considered well off in another.一切都是相对的,不是吗?这个国家的穷人在另一个国家也许会被认为是富有呢。Whatever she did she did off her own bat. Whatever she did was nothing to do with me.她所做的一切都是她自己主动要做的。她做的任何事都与我无关。What I did was right and if I had done anything less it would have been wrong.我做的一切都是正确的,如果我少做了一点点,就会出错。I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all this.我确信这一切都是有合理解释的。I hardly need to say that all this is highly confidential.不用我说,这一切都是高度保密的。Everything he said is bullshit. Pardon my French.他说的一切都是屁话。原谅我爆粗口。Don't you think there's an element of jealousy in all of this?你不觉得所有这一切都是妒嫉在隐隐作祟?He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him.他声称这一切都是一场针对他的阴谋。Did it all go according to plan?一切都是按计划进行的吗?Nothing's fixed in this world; everything is relative.在这个世界上没有什么东西是固定不变的;一切都是相对的。All they do is quite above board, so don't worry.他们所做的一切都是十分光明正大的,所以不必担忧。Since childhood, I put my own parents on a pedestal. I felt they could do no wrong.从童年起,我就把自己的父母当作偶像崇拜,觉得他们做的一切都是对的。I felt as if I were in a looking-glass world where everything goes the wrong way.我感到自己好像是在一个哈哈镜天地里,一切都是颠三倒四的。Do you want to tell me what all this is about?.你不打算告诉我这一切都是怎么回事吗?No names were mentioned, everything was understood.没有点名道姓,但一切都是明摆着的。He's one of those doctors who say you're not really sick and it's all in the mind.他是那种医生,会说你其实没有病,一切都是你自己想象出来的。Lord knows, you deserve everything you get.大家都知道,你所得到的一切都是你应得的。It had all been a pretence.一切都是假象。Everything I have said is true, so help me God.上帝作证,我说的一切都是真的。Everything was very hush-hush.一切都是秘密的。Everything is black and white to Bill; if you're not his friend, you are his enemy.在比尔看来,一切都是绝对的,你不是他的朋友,便是他的敌人。He claimed that everything he did was done for the greater glory of his country. 他声称他所做的一切都是为了给祖国增添荣耀。Everything he saw was upside down.他看到的一切都是颠倒的。He learned everything he knew from his predecessor.他所知的一切都是从前任那里学来的。If you think I'm going to pay for everything, you've got another think coming.如果你觉得一切都是我掏腰包,那你就想错了。Everything that was written about me in that article was a fabrication.那篇文章里所写的关于我的一切都是编造出来的。This government was a threat to everything he held dear.这个政府对他所珍爱的一切都是一种威胁。Everything about the resort was A-1 .这个度假胜地的一切都是一流的。It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.所有的一切都是在一怒之下干的,我无疑已经从自己的错误中吸取了教训。Everything I have told you is true.我告诉你的一切都是真话。You cannot automatically assume that everything your teacher says is correct.你不能不假思索地认为老师说的一切都是正确的。Everything is in the bag! It's all a frame-up!一切都是事先做好的圈套! 完全是诬陷!The nation comes first and everything else comes second.国家至上,其他一切都是次要的。Everything was clean and shipshape.一切都是干干净净,整整齐齐。




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