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例句 It was a major coup when they got the Vice President to appear on their show for an interview.令人感到非常意外的是,他们请到了副总统上节目接受采访。His parents sought out the best doctors in the field.他的父母请到了这一领域最好的医生。It's a great coup to get Bjork to perform here.请到比约克来这里演出是惊人的成功之举。Please report to reception on arrival.抵达后请到接待处报到。You can smoke if you must, but please do it outdoors.要是你非得抽烟也可以,不过请到外面去抽。The school has had a hard time recruiting substitute teachers.这所学校很难请到代课老师。Our special guest on the programme tonight is Robert de Niro.今晚我们节目请到的特邀嘉宾是罗伯特.德尼罗。Take out a Midland personal loan now and pay the money back in easy stages.请到米特兰银行申请个人贷款,轻松分期付还。We got a professional football coach to come and help us train the team.我们请到了一名专业足球教练来帮助我们训练球队。Come and see me in my rooms one evening.哪天晚上请到我家来看我。If you must smoke, please go outside.如果你非要吸烟不可,请到外面去吸。No, we don't sell those. Try the store across the street.我们不卖那些东西,请到马路对面的商店试试看。Please pay at the desk.请到收银台付款。He was given a place of honor at the table. 他被请到了上座。All vying swimmers come to judge's desk.所有参赛的游泳运动员请到裁判员席来。Please go to your proper seats.请到你们自己的座位上去。Collect your tickets at the box office.请到售票处取票。Please come by and have dinner with us.请到我家来一起吃晚饭。I'll ask for a day off, but I don't know whether I'll get it.我打算请一天假,但还不知道能不能请到Camfield was lucky in getting Cage and Rampling as guest stars.卡姆菲尔德有幸请到了凯奇和兰普林两位明星嘉宾。I have obtained the services of a top photographer to take our pictures.我已请到了一位顶级摄影师来给我们拍照。Come to my office, please, at the double.请到我办公室来,尽快。Anyone who invites a complete stranger into their house is asking for it.谁把陌生人请到家里来就是在自讨苦吃了。




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