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词汇 young woman
例句 A young woman came in with a cup of coffee.一名年轻女子端着一杯咖啡走进来。The advertisement showed a sexy young woman in a short skirt standing beside a sports car.广告上是一位非常性感的年轻女郎,穿着很短的裙子站在一辆跑车旁边。The shy little girl has grown into a poised young woman.那个羞涩的小女孩已经长成了一位从容大方的年轻女子。Presently, a young woman in a white coat came in.很快,一个穿着白色外套的年轻女子走了进来。She's a very unselfish young woman.她是个非常无私的年轻女性。She is an ambitious young woman, full of drive and determination.她是个有抱负的姑娘,干劲十足,果敢善断。My wife says I'm being overprotective, and that our daughter has grown into a responsible young woman.妻子说我过分保护孩子,然而我们的女儿已经长成了一个有责任感的年轻女性。He encountered the young woman as she was leaving a coffee shop.他和那个年轻女人相遇时,她正要离开咖啡厅。As the curtain falls for the last time, we see a young woman holding a dying man in her arms.当大幕最后一次落下时,我们看到一位年轻女子,怀中抱着一个奄奄一息的男子。He had just given a trial to a young woman who said she had previous experience.他刚给了一位声称自己有从业经验的年轻女子一次试用机会。It is said that the young woman was removed by poison.据说那个年轻妇女是被毒药毒死的。We admired the courage of the young woman.我们佩服这位年轻女子的勇气。The young woman was determined to hook a rich husband.那个年轻女人决心钓个金龟婿。I think he sees her as a frivolous young woman.我想他把她看成了轻浮的姑娘。The young woman with the children looked too well-dressed to be a nanny.那个带孩子的年轻女子穿得很讲究,不像是个保姆。She'd blossomed into a self-confident young woman.她已长大成为了一个自信的年轻女性。A young woman cleared away their empty cups.一位年轻女子把他们的空杯子收走了。Laura is a lovely young woman.劳拉是个亲切友好的姑娘。They wanted him to marry a virtuous young woman from a respectable family.他们要他娶一位出身体面、品行高尚的年轻女子。Caroline is such a thoughtful young woman.卡罗琳真是个体贴人的好姑娘。An elegant young woman sat at the next table, sipping a cocktail.邻桌坐着一位气质高雅的年轻女子,正小口小口地呷着鸡尾酒。Get real. It's pretty hard for a young woman on her first job to take a case of sexual harassment to court.现实一点,对于一个才在做她的第一份工作的年轻女孩来说,把遭受性骚扰之事告到法院是很艰难的。She was a graceful young woman with delicate features.她是一位面容娇小的年轻优雅的女子。She has grown into an accomplished and charming young woman.她逐渐成长为一个才艺双全、有魅力的年轻女子。He was pursued by a young woman.有一个年轻女子追求他。She is a very reserved young woman.她是个非常拘谨不爱说话的年轻女子。I'll eat my hat if you ever see that young woman or your money again.你这辈子要是能再见到那个女人或者你的钱,我就把我的名字倒过来写。She's a highly educated young woman.她是个受过高等教育的青年女性。You are an impertinent young woman.你是个没礼貌的姑娘。The young woman broke down in tears.这名年轻妇人痛哭流涕。At his side was a beautiful young woman.他旁边是个年轻漂亮的女人。The rich young woman has an easy life.那位富有的年轻女人过著舒适的生活。She's a devious and manipulative young woman.她是个狡诈、爱摆布人的年轻女人。The picture showed a glamorous young woman sitting in a sports car.照片中是一个年轻迷人的女子坐在一辆跑车上。A young woman guided us on a tour of the museum.一位青年女子引领我们参观博物馆。The young woman had grace beyond her years.这个年轻女子有着超越年龄的涵养。She is, by all accounts, a decent young woman.据各方面的说法来看,她是个正派的年轻女子。Kim had all the grace and charm of a young woman, though she was still only a girl.金虽然还只是个小姑娘,但她已经有了年轻女子的风韵魅力。The picture shows a dreamy, raven-haired young woman.这幅画描绘了一个漂亮的、有着乌黑头发的年轻女子。A young woman in sequinned hot pants strode past.一位年轻姑娘身穿缀着闪亮小圆片的紧身短裤在一边走过。




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