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词汇 to jump
例句 It's impolite to jump down others' throats.粗暴地打断别人的谈话是不礼貌的。All the horses are finding it difficult to jump the last fence.跃过这最后一道围栏对所有的马匹都很困难。He wanted to jump up and run outside, screaming like a madman.他想跳起来跑出去,像个疯子一样大声喊叫一番。The streams are small enough to jump across.溪流很窄,能跳过去He tried to jump over to the farther side of the stream.他试图跳到溪流的那一边去。While ordinary citizens had to wait months to get hospital treatment, government officials were able to jump the queue.普通公民要等好几个月才得到住院治疗,而政府官员却能插队。A horse must be carefully mouthed before he is taught to jump.教马跳跃之前必须小心使它习惯于马嚼子。He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match.他不停地上蹿下跳,活像个足球赛中的男孩。He planned to jump ship at the next port.他打算在下一个港口擅自离船。He stood on the edge of the roof, poised to jump.他站在房顶的边缘,准备往下跳。She was quick to jump on her rival's poor record as governor.她即刻严厉指责竞选对手在担任州长期间的不良政绩。The dogs had been trained to jump through hoops.这些狗受过跳圈训练。The driver is trying to jump the green light.司机试图抢绿灯把车开过去。The evidence suggests that he's to blame, but let's be careful not to jump to conclusions. He may have a good explanation for what happened.证据表明他应负有责任,但我们还是要谨慎一点,不要贸然下结论。他对于所发生的事情也许会有一个合理解释。It's dangerous to jump to early conclusions.结论下得过早是很危险的。One of his stunts was to jump onto a rumbling train.他的绝技之一是跳上正在隆隆飞驶的火车。When the boss walks in, everybody is supposed to jump.老板走进来时,大家都需要表现得干劲十足。The athlete is able to jump two meters.这位运动员能跳两米高。I defy you to jump that high hurdle.我倒要看看你能不能跳过那高栏。A car came from nowhere, and I had to jump back.一辆汽车突然冒出来,我不得不往后跳。I almost did myself a mischief when I tried to jump across a stream.我在试图跳过溪水时差一点受了伤。He warned members of the public not to jump to any unwarranted conclusions about the tragedy.他提醒民众,不要对这场悲剧妄下结论。He had to jump from a first floor window.他不得不从一楼窗户跳出来。The Government had to jump in and purchase millions of dollars worth of supplies.政府不得不匆忙购进价值数百万美元的补给品。This frog is able to jump three metres.这只青蛙能跳三米远。When the train stopped at a station, he decided to jump off and buy a sandwich.火车停靠站台时,他决定快速下车去买个三明治。It shouldn't be necessary to jump through hoops to get a computer to work properly.让计算机正常运行不需要费多大劲儿。Is he going to jump or is he only bluffing?他是真要跳还是只是吓唬人?Two guys tried to jump me in the park last night.昨晚在公园里有两个家伙突然从背后袭击我。We're going to jump on the enemy patrol party later this evening.我们打算于今晚晚些时候突袭敌人巡逻队。He used to jump on me for every little mistake.他以前对我犯的每一个小错误都要大加斥责。A day after he was released from jail, he decided to jump bail and leave the country.从狱中释放出来一天后,他就决定弃保潜逃,离开这个国家。After graduating, he was not afraid to jump in at the deep end and start his new business alone.毕业之后,他毅然决定下海,独自创业。Billy stood on top of the rock, not daring to jump down.比利站在岩石顶端,但不敢往下跳。The success of the product led many firms to try to jump on the bandwagon.这种产品的成功导致许多企业跟风。We don't want to jump to the wrong conclusion.我们不想因匆忙而得出错误结论。She decided to jump in at the deep end, buy a farm, and teach herself.她决定独闯难关,买下一个农场,自己摸索着干。I managed to jump out of the path of the bike just in time.我及时跳开,躲过了驶来的自行车。I did a gag in which I had to jump from the back of one running horse to the back of another.我作了一次惊险表演,从一匹奔马的背上跳到另一匹奔马的背上。You'll have to jump if you want to catch it.如果想抓住它你就得跳起来。




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