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例句 If the car you have leased is unsatisfactory, you can exchange it for another.如果您对租用的车辆不满意,可以换一辆。At long last we made it, no thanks to you.最后我们成功了,不过并非是你的功劳。I'm sorry you misconstrued my meaning.你误解我的意思了,我感到遗憾。I judge that you speak the truth.我相信你说的是事实。This will teach you not to shit on me.这是给你一个教训,叫你不要再欺负我。Could you print out a copy of that letter for me?你能把那封信打印一份给我吗?What are you revising tonight?你今天晚上复习什么?He sent flowers to show that he cares for you.他送鲜花表达对你的爱意。Which cards you're given is simply a matter of chance.你拿到什么样的牌全靠运气。Most of the staff is away today so you'll have to use whoever is available.今天大多数职员都外出了,所以你得谁有空就叫谁。I enjoy flying Air Canada, because they give you plenty of leg room.我喜欢乘加拿大航空公司的飞机,因为他们的飞机座位有宽舒的腿部空间。The automatic flight tracker will tell you when her plane will be landing.自动飞行追踪系统将会告诉你她的飞机何时降落。Just make sure you call at the agreed time.电话一定要在约定的时间打。I am charmed that you have decided to come.你已决定来,我很高兴。Sarah tells me you're something of an art connoisseur.萨拉告诉我你是一位艺术鉴赏家。Stop teasing-you're making him blush.你别取笑他了 - 他脸都红了。Always check the mileage before you buy a secondhand car.买二手车时一定要先查看行驶里程。Fear of you forced them into silence.他们怕你才只得保持沉默。Let me know if these cretins bother you.如果这些蠢货找你麻烦,你就来告诉我。Is this some kind of a set up? Why should I believe you?这是不是个骗局?我凭什么要相信你?Say what you have to say.你要说什么就说什么。Could you make a short summary of this article for me?你能为我写一个这篇文章的概要吗?I didn't see you in church on Sunday.我星期天做礼拜时没看见你。"Did you have any trouble finding the theatre?" "No, your directions were excellent."“那个戏院好找吗?”“好找,你告诉我的路线非常清楚。”Excuse me for interrupting, but I couldn't help overhearing what you were saying.打扰你们很抱歉,但我无意中听到你们的谈话。I wish you'd stop following me around.我希望你不要再跟着我到处走了。Do you know who defined man as a rational animal?你知道是谁将人说成是有理智的动物的? Which tax band do you fall into?你属于哪个课税等级?Go home and take it easy, and don't come back until you're fully fit again.回家去好好休息,把身体养好了再回来。Oh, pardon me. I didn't see you standing there.啊,对不起,我没看到你站在那儿。You can't expect me to lead you by the hand through every difficult situation.你不能每次遇到困境都指望我帮你一把。I won't law you; I'll shoot you.我不会去法院告你,我要开枪打死你。I like you. Don't take this the wrong way, now. I mean as a friend.我喜欢你。不要误解,我的意思是作为朋友。I'm sure we could offer you some short-term employment.我肯定我们可以短期雇用你。Could you turn the lights down - it's too bright in here.你能把灯光调暗些吗?这里太亮了。I'm as much in the dark as you.我和你一样毫不知情。We could go out to eat, if you're in the mood.如果你想的话,我们可以出去吃饭。Ever since then you've treated me like a doormat.从那之后,你一直没把我当人看。Be sure to outen the light when you go to bed.上床睡觉时别忘了关灯。The doctor will call you with the test results.医生会打电话通知你检查结果。




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