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词汇 at the back of
例句 There's a shower rigged up at the back of the cabin.小木屋后面临时搭了个冲淋浴的地方。The whole family lives in two pokey little rooms at the back of the building.全家人就住在建筑物后部两间狭小的房间里。There is a workroom at the back of the tailor's shop.裁缝店后面有个工作间。The names of those who died are recorded for posterity on a tablet at the back of the church.死者姓名都刻在教堂后面的一块石匾上以便后人铭记。Can you tell the people at the back of the queue to stop pushing!告诉排在队伍后面的人不要挤,好吗?She waved before taking her seat at the back of the church.她挥挥手,在教堂的后面坐了下来。Kempton made an inarticulate noise at the back of his throat as if he were about to choke.肯普顿嗓子眼里发出含混的声音,仿佛他要窒息了。Access is by means of a door at the back of the stage.入口就是舞台后面的一扇门。Other sources of potential aggression were at the back of their minds.他们隐约感到潜在的侵略可能来自其他方面。A few latecomers had slipped into the room and were standing at the back of the audience.一些晚来的观众溜进房间,站在观众席后面。She twisted her hair into a bun and pinned it at the back of her head.她把头发盘成一个髻,用发夹别在脑后。There was a piece of mouldy cheese hiding at the back of the fridge.一块发霉的乳酪藏在冰箱的后头。He tasted vomit at the back of his mouth.他尝到喉咙口有呕吐物的味道。They shone the spotlight on a woman at the back of the audience.他们把聚光灯照在后排观众席上的一位女子身上。The inputs for the CD-ROM are at the back of the computer.光盘只读存储器的输入端在计算机的背后。Someone burped loudly at the back of the hall.某人在大厅后部大声打嗝。He passed along the corridor to a small room at the back of the building.他穿过走廊来到大楼后面的一间小屋。She gathered her hair into a knot at the back of her head.她把头发拢起来在脑后盘了个发髻。The goods were stored away at the back of the warehouse.货物被存放在仓库后部。We rigged up a simple shower at the back of the cabin.我们在小木屋的后面凑合着搭了一个简陋的淋浴间。She sat at the back of the room, doing her knitting.她坐在房间后部织东西。The battery compartment is at the back of the unit.电池盒在组件的背面。The box squats at the back of the room.箱子放在房间靠里边的地上。Make your exit through the door at the back of the stage.请从舞台后面的门退场。There's something rotting at the back of the refrigerator.冰箱靠近里面的地方有东西腐烂了。We found an empty table at the back of the restaurant.我们在餐厅后部找到了一张空桌。The keyboard plugs in at the back of the computer.键盘接在计算机背后。The index is at the back of the book.索引在书末尾。She was reduced to tagging on at the back of the queue.她不得已跟在了队尾。There were several couples petting at the back of the cinema.有几对男女坐在电影院后排抚摸调情。He sat at the back of the class.他坐在教室后排。The seam at the back of your skirt has split.你裙子后面的缝口开了。I went through the pile of clothes at the back of my wardrobe.我在衣橱最里面的一堆衣服里翻找。There is an appendix at the back of the book.该书末尾处有一附录。He was one of the people who sat at the back of class and twanged an elastic band.他曾是坐在教室后面弹橡皮筋的那些人中的一个。She coiled her hair at the back of her head.她把头发盘在脑后。The ground slopes away steeply at the back of the house.屋后的地面形成陡坡。It is always at the back of my mind to be a poet.我心底里一直想当诗人。The bathroom at the back of the plane was occupied, so I waited.飞机尾部的厕所有人使用,所以我等着。The lecturer spoke so quietly that he was scarcely audible at the back of the hall.这位讲师的声音太小,坐在礼堂后面的人几乎听不见。




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