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词汇 at the bar
例句 Police searched the home of the prisoner at the bar.警方搜查了被告的家。Danny was talking to a girl he'd just met at the bar.丹尼正和一个刚在酒吧认识的少女讲话。They had a collection at the bar and they raised over $80.他们在酒吧募捐,筹集了八十多美元。I saw him at the bar ordering a beer.我看见他在酒吧要一杯啤酒喝。Allow me to buy you a drink at the bar.让我来请你喝一杯。The knot of men at the bar had started talking about the elections.酒吧里,几个男人开始谈论起竞选来。They had a quick drink at the bar.他们在酒吧小酌了一会儿。There was a group of lads at the bar, eyeing up every girl who walked in.酒吧里有一群小伙子,色迷迷地打量着走进来的每一个女孩。There's a good-looking mama sitting at the bar.吧台前坐着一位漂亮女子。Being on his own, he attached himself to a noisy group at the bar.因为就一个人,他跟酒吧里一群闹哄哄的人搭上了话。The two men at the bar were arguing about politics.酒吧台旁边的那两名男子在争论着政治。One elderly man sat morosely at the bar.一位老者闷闷不乐地坐在酒吧里。Sue sat at the bar sipping a Martini.休坐在酒吧里呷着马提尼酒。He had one too many at the bar last night. 他昨晚在酒吧喝太多了。Burton was at the bar, trying to pick a quarrel with a stranger.伯顿在酒吧柜台旁边,想找个陌生人吵架。Jones' drink at the bar was an institution.在那家酒吧喝酒是琼斯的固定活动。People were standing four deep at the bar.人们在酒吧台前站了四排。They sat on high stools at the bar counter.他们坐在吧台旁的高凳上。She sat down at the bar and ordered a drink.她在吧台坐下并点了杯饮料。They were chatting at the bar.他们正在酒吧聊天。We stood at the bar being jostled by some thick-necked lager louts.我们站在酒吧台前被一些粗脖子的发酒疯的青年推搡着。Some guy hit on me while I was standing at the bar.我在吧台边上站着的时候,有个家伙过来和我调情。The two men stood at the bar discussing the relative merits of various sports cars.两个男人站在吧台处,谈论着各种赛车的相对优点。I took a seat at the bar.我在吧台坐下了。Phil got into an argument with a guy at the bar.菲尔在吧台和一个男人吵了起来。Peter was engaged in an animated conversation at the bar.彼得在酒吧里和别人正谈得起劲。He ran a tab at the bar.他在酒吧里陆续点了不少东西,最后一起结账。There was the usual crowd of students standing at the bar.站在酒吧里的又是往常的那一群学生。A couple of blondes had been trying to make time with him at the bar.两个金发女郎在酒吧试图勾引他。Much to my surprise, the waitress at the bar tantalizingly asked me for a date.让我惊讶的是,酒吧的女侍居然很诱人地想要与我约会。He sat at the bar quietly getting soused.他在酒吧里喝闷酒,喝着喝着就醉了。You'll see her sitting at the bar all day. She's a real lush.你会看到她整天坐在酒吧里。她是个名副其实的酒鬼。Hector ordered drinks at the bar.赫克托在酒吧里点了些酒。A drunken brawl broke out at the bar.那个酒吧发生了酒后闹事。She was already sitting at the bar, sipping wine.她已经坐在酒吧里,啜饮着酒。Last orders at the bar now, please!各位,酒吧打烊前最后一轮点酒了!We have lemonade on tap at the bar.在那间酒吧里,我们打开龙头就有柠檬水可喝。The usual mob was/were hanging out at the bar.酒吧里闲混的还是往常那伙人。They were soaking all day long at the bar.他们终日泡在酒吧里。He surveyed the handful of customers at the bar.他打量着吧台那边零星的几个顾客。




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