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词汇 cuts
例句 The cuts on Colin's head could only have been made by head-butts.科林头上的那些伤口只能是用头撞击时造成的。Job cuts were necessary to cover mounting costs.需要裁员以应对成本不断上升的压力。If they promise big tax cuts, they could be boxing themselves in.如果他们许诺大幅降低税收,他们可能会把自己限制住。The government has kept its promise to cut taxes, but this has meant cuts in services, too.政府遵守减税的诺言,但这也意味着削减服务。He wasn't seriously injured - he just got a few cuts and bruises.他伤得不重——只是有些划伤和淤伤。They're real gourmets and buy only the best cuts of meat.他们真是美食家,只买最好的肉。They are calling for large spending cuts and tax increases.他们呼吁大幅度削减开支并提高税收。News of interest cuts came in the nick of time for borrowers.对借款人来说,减息的消息来得正是时候。There are to be big cuts in the health budget next year.明年的保健预算会大幅度削减。Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.减税主要是针对较富裕阶层。They're only small cuts, nothing life-threatening.这些只不过是轻微的割伤,不会危及生命。The barber cuts with a deft hand.理发师熟练地修剪。Thousands joined the march to register their opposition to the cuts in education.数千人参加游行表示反对削减教育经费。The city's schools are being buffeted by budget cuts.预算削减使市区的学校受到重创。Most of the injuries were just cuts and bruises.大部分的伤只是刀伤和跌打伤。He said the job cuts were necessary to cover mounting costs.他说有必要通过裁员来覆盖攀升的成本。New tax cuts can stimulate a tottering economy.新的减税举措有可能对濒临崩溃的经济起到刺激作用。The trade unions are up in arms against wage cuts by capitalists.工会强烈抗议资本家削减工资。He warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers would lead to job cuts.他昨天警告说,给教师们加薪会导致职位的裁减。The company has announced a new round of job cuts.公司已宣布进行新一轮的裁员。The River Danube cuts Budapest in two.多瑙河把布达佩斯城一分为二。The operation involves making several cuts in the cornea.该手术要在角膜上做几个切口。HMS Warspite was decommissioned as part of defence cuts.英国皇家海军厌战号战列舰退役了,这是削减国防开支计划的措施之一。Do you know any short cuts to the hospital?你知道去医院有近路可以走吗?These tax cuts will favour the rich.这些减税措施对富人有利。These kinds of budget cuts can be destructive to morale. 这些种类的预算削减可能会损伤士气。Pay cuts have led to widespread dissatisfaction.减薪引起了广泛的不满。Many employees became demoralized and cynical when the company announced another round of job cuts.公司宣布新一轮职位削减时,许多雇员丧失了信心,变得愤世嫉俗。I think I got off lightly with one or two cuts, considering how damaged the car was.我觉得真是捡了条命,只被刮伤了一两处,你想想车都给毁成那个样子了。Long slow cooking is more suitable for cheaper cuts of meat.长时间的慢火煮更适合便宜些的肉块。He urged further interest rate cuts in a bid to kick-start the economy.他极力主张进一步降低利率以促进经济。These cuts soured relations between the government and the military.这些裁减恶化了政府与军方之间的关系。We use only the very best cuts of meat in our dog food.我们的狗粮只用最优质的肉。The strike had already led to cuts in electricity and water supplies in many areas.罢工已经导致很多地区停电、停水。Theatre companies are very concerned about cuts in government grants to the arts.政府削减艺术拨款,各戏剧演出公司对此非常担心。My dad's such a cheapskate that he cuts his hair himself.我爸爸真是个吝啬鬼,连他的头发都自己剪。The government insisted that it would not be panicked into interest rate cuts.政府坚称不会陷入恐慌而匆忙降息。This plan of yours cuts into our schedule rather badly.你的这个计划要占去我们日程表里不少时间。Because of the budget cuts, some students, through no fault of their own, may have a hard time paying their way.由于削减了预算,那些无辜受到影响的学生可能很难承担完成学业所需的费用了。Today she cuts a lonely figure.今天她看起来十分孤独。




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