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词汇 compulsory
例句 Even in the age of compulsory school, inequalities in education have remained.即使在义务教育时代,教育不平等依然存在。Is English a compulsory subject?英语是必修科目吗? Attendance at the meeting is compulsory.会议是必须参加的。It's essential to check the fine print. Some loans come with compulsory insurance.仔细审核小字条款非常必要。一些贷款附带强制险。The council applied for a compulsory purchase order on the tennis courts.政务会申请对网球场发出强制购买令。The history course is optional, but English is compulsory.历史课是选修的,但英语课是必修的。The party advocates compulsory repatriation of immigrants who commit a crime.该党主张强制性遣返犯罪的移民。Education is compulsory for children in most countries.多数国家对儿童实施义务教育。They have campaigned strongly for compulsory registration of dogs.他们强烈呼吁实行犬类强制登记。Registration with the council is compulsory.必须向理事会登记。He is an inveterate and compulsory gambler. It is impossible for him to quit.他是个积习已深的强迫性赌徒,要他戒赌是不可能的。Smoke detectors are compulsory in all new buildings.所有新建筑物内都必须安装烟雾探测器。It is now compulsory for anyone claiming state benefit to register with a job centre.现在凡向国家申请救济金的人都必须到职业中心去登记。In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory.在东德,学习俄语是强制的。It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.讨论针对教师的强制裁员政策真是滑稽可笑。He is a junkie of compulsory gambling, totally incurable.他是个强制性的赌博迷,完全无可救药。Murder carries a compulsory sentence of life imprisonment.谋杀意味着必然要受到终身监禁。Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum.俄语在学校课程设置中是一门必修的外语课。The government plans to introduce compulsory testing in junior schools from the age of 7.政府计划在小学为七岁以上的学童推行强制考核制度。His article should be compulsory reading for law students.他的文章应该成为法学专业学生的必读材料。Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.一些年轻人试图逃避义务征兵。School uniform is no longer compulsory in many British schools.校服在英国许多学校已经不再是强制性的。There are five compulsory figures that the couples must perform in this section.在这一部分,每对选手必须完成五项规定动作。English is compulsory for all students, but art and music are optional.英语是所有学生的必修课,而艺术和音乐则是选修的。Extraordinarily, this is not compulsory.令人意外的是,这并不是强制性的。Many people think that compulsory ID cards interfere with personal liberty.许多人认为强制性的身份证干涉了个人自由。He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service.他刚刚服完义务兵役。Religious education is compulsory in all English schools.在英国的所有学校里都必须接受宗教教育。Swimming was compulsory at my school.在我们学校,游泳是必修课。The law made wearing seat belts in cars compulsory.坐车系安全带是法律强制规定的。Texaco has introduced a compulsory HIV testing program for all prospective employees.德士古公司引进了一个为所有潜在的雇员进行艾滋病病毒测试的强制方案。English, Maths, ICT and science are compulsory subjects.英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。The ministry has said it hopes to avoid compulsory redundancies.该部称希望避免强制性裁员。We utterly reject the philosophy of compulsory wage control.我们完全不同意对工资实行强制性管制的观点。




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