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词汇 compulsive
例句 Greediness is one of the common characteristics of compulsive gamblers.贪婪是嗜赌成癖的赌棍们的普遍特性之一。He's a compulsive meddler.他老忍不住要多管闲事。He turned into a compulsive joiner.他喜欢上了不断参加各种社团。She said her client was a compulsive confessor.她说她的客户是一个有忏悔癖的人。His compulsive need to succeed made him unpopular with the rest of the staff.他那种渴求成功的强烈欲望使他在其他员工中很不受欢迎。He went to a psychiatrist about his compulsive gambling.他去看精神科医生以戒除赌瘾。Panic attacks, irrational fears, and compulsive behaviour are examples of anxiety disorders.焦虑症的症状包括恐慌、恐惧和强迫行为。He has an obsessive-compulsive disorder.他患有强迫症。He was a compulsive gambler and often heavily in debt.他嗜赌成癖,常常债台高筑。These chilling heroines make Hart's books compulsive reading.这些令人毛骨悚然的女主人公使哈特的书读起来让人爱不释手。Debbie, a compulsive spender and debtor, recalls how her money addictions developed.黛比是个购物狂,负债累累,她回忆了自己是怎样一步步花钱上瘾的。The melancholic second movement made for compulsive listening.忧郁的第二乐章让人百听不厌。Her husband was a compulsive adulterer.她的丈夫通奸成性。Once the compulsive spender stops at the mall, she will be unable to control her spending.患强迫性购物症的人一旦来到购物中心,就无法控制自己的开支。Her problem is her compulsive eating.她有强迫性进食的问题。The celebrity show has become compulsive viewing.名人秀已经成为非常吸引人的电视节目。The book is compulsive reading.这本书读起来令人欲罢不能。Their story makes compulsive reading.他们的故事读起来有趣极了。Her problem is compulsive over-eating.她的毛病是强迫性暴食症。Her most recent article made compulsive reading.她最近的文章读起来引人入胜。Most compulsive gamblers are not successful.多数嗜赌成癖的赌徒都输多赢少。She eats in secret like most compulsive overeaters.她像大多数强迫性暴食者那样偷偷地吃东西。He is a compulsive saver who always watches his spending.他是一个有强迫性存款欲的储户,一向严格控制自己的开销。




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