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词汇 woods
例句 The house is surrounded by woods.这房子的周围是树林。The enemy had started a vicious counter-attack, forcing the French into the woods.敌人开始疯狂反攻,把法军逼进了丛林。We spent the day tramping through the woods.我们用了一天时间穿过树林。The two roads diverge at the entrance to the woods.这两条路在森林的入口处分岔。An old track led back through the woods.一条旧日的小道穿过树林通了回来。A careless camper accidentally started a fire in the woods.粗心的野营者意外地引起了一场林中大火。The nation's economy is not out of the woods yet.该国的经济仍未摆脱困境。The woods were aflame.树林在燃烧。The woods were silent apart from the crunch of our feet in the snow.树林里一片寂静,只有我们踩在雪地上的嘎吱嘎吱声。The car was found abandoned in the woods, completely burned out.那部车被发现遗弃在树林中,已完全被烧毁了。He exercised the dog every day in the woods.他每天到树林里遛狗。We walked among the chestnut woods on the mountain slopes.我们走在山坡上的栗树林中。He stopped the car and went out into the woods to relieve himself. 他停下车,走进林中方便了一下。It is lovely walking in the woods.在树林中散步很愉快。A thick woods runs along the boundary of the estate.沿着庄园的边界是一片茂密的树林。I spend most of my time in the woods of Wyoming these days, so I'm not really up on all the latest fashions and movies.我近来大部分时间都在怀俄明州的树林里,所以对最近的时装和电影不是很了解。Mary nearly died during the operation, and she is not out of the woods yet.玛丽在动手术时差点儿死去,她现在还未脱离危险。A steep, narrow path led down through the woods to the beach.一条陡峭狭窄的小路穿过林子通往海滨。It's no joke to be lost in the woods. = Being lost in the woods is no joke. 在树林中迷路可不是闹着玩的。Ioften walk the dog in the woods behind our house.我常常在我们房子后面的树林里遛狗。They pitched their tent in a little clearing in the woods.他们在树林里一小块空地上支起了帐篷。Local people go hunting in the woods.当地人去树林里狩猎。She spotted a deer in the woods.她看到林中有一只鹿。They drove through woods and suddenly a brightly lighted hotel materialized.他们驱车穿过树林,眼前突然出现了一座灯火通明的旅馆。The woods are a haven for wildlife.这片树林是野生生物的安乐窝。Her health is getting better but she's not out of the woods yet. 她的身体状况正在好转,但是还没有脱离危险。The project has been given funding for another year, but it's not out of the woods yet.这个项目又获得了一年的资金,但仍未摆脱困境。Police believe the gunmen ran off into the woods.警方认为持枪的歹徒逃到树林里去了。We heard bird calls from the neighboring woods.我们听到邻近树林里的鸟鸣声。We ranged the woods looking for a place to set up our tents.我们在树林里东走西跑,找个地方搭帐篷。Before branching off to find the woods, Hearne spent a few days travelling southeast with his new friend.在转道去寻找树林前,赫恩和他的新朋友朝东南方向走了几天。We were walking through the woods when we came to a waterfall.我们在树林里走着走着,不觉来到了一个瀑布旁边。Let's take the shortcut through the woods.咱们走穿过树林的近路吧。Her house wasn't far, if he cut through the woods.他要是在树林里抄近路,她家就不是很远。The phone reception is really bad out here in the woods.电话信号在这儿的树林里特别差。The bears scavenged the woods for food.熊在林中觅食。Police found a cache of stolen cars in the woods.警方在林中找到了被盗汽车的隐藏地点。They stopped to rest and picnic in a clearing in the woods.他们在森林里的一处空地上停下来休息并野餐。Police found the victim's unclothed body in the woods.警方在树林里找到了这名受害者的裸尸。The way through the woods is quicker.穿过树林走更快些。




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