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例句 Jones's wise words are a timely reality check for many at the club who believe the great days are just around the corner.琼斯的一番高见来得正是时候,对于俱乐部中许多相信好日子已经不远的人来说不啻于当头一棒。This is a lot of trouble, and expensive, and for the tourist nations self-defeating.这意味着大量的麻烦事和昂贵的费用,对旅游国来说不啻是自拆台脚。Fresh investment would provide the shot in the arm that this industry so badly needs.新的投资对该行业来说不啻是雪中送炭。His account of how he tackled that robber and saved the money sounds to me rather a tall story.他那番如何对付强盗又如何保住钱款的叙述,在我听来不啻是无稽之谈。Their refusal was like a slap in the face to us.他们的拒绝对我们不啻是一记耳光。In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.毕业税具体操作起来不啻一场行政噩梦。The attack was a taunting calling card from the terrorists.这次攻击不啻是恐怖分子投下的一张嘲弄当局的名片。The minister's decision was a slap in the face to those who had tried to change his mind.部长的决定对于那些曾试图要他改变主意的人不啻是一记耳光。The closure of the school is a slap in the face to the local community.学校的关闭对当地社区来说不啻是一个打击。His revelation was a bombshell.他披露的事情不啻一枚炸弹。




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