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词汇 wield
例句 The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.掌权者必定会全力支持他。He could wield a paintbrush but he was no carpenter.他会用漆刷,但他不是木匠。The two principal officeholders wield enormous power.这两个主要官员掌握著巨大的权力。In his great age he could still wield his axe mightily.尽管他年事已高,但仍能有力地挥动斧头。The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets.两家公司在金融市场有非常大的影响力。It is still the rich nations which wield the power.现在操纵大权的仍然是那些富国。Can he wield a hammer?他能握住一把锤子吗?The President offered compromises to parliament to defuse the battle of wills over who should wield power.总统对国会作出让步,以求结束这场旷日持久的权力争斗。




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