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词汇 Which
例句 Which of the new releases do you think are really good?在这些新片中你觉得哪些真的不错?Which of you has made the most mistakes?你们当中谁错得最多? Which is the girl you know? Is that her?你认识的姑娘是哪一位? 是她吗?Which is mine? The smaller one?哪个是我的?小一点的这个?Which of the characters do you most identify with?你最认同哪一个角色?Which hairstyles would look good with a round face like mine?像我这样的圆脸配哪种发型好看?Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check?你喜欢用什么布做新衣服?条子布还是格子布?Which film did you plump for in the end?你们最后选择去看哪部电影了?Which facet of his character is most appealing?他性格的哪一方面最具吸引力?Which way did she go?她朝哪个方向走了?Which one do you prefer? Take your pick!你要哪一个?自己挑吧! Which one of you rascals woke me up?你们当中是哪个小坏蛋把我吵醒了?Which is more important to you - your family or your career?对你而言,家庭和事业哪个更重要?Which day of the week was it?那天是星期几?Which candidate are you for?你支持哪位候选人?Which accountant/bank do you use?你用的是哪个会计师/哪家银行?Which one is the preferred alternative?哪个是更好的选择?Which evening would suit you best for the party?晚会哪天晚上举行对你最合适?Which hand have I got the chocolate in? If you guess right you can have it.我哪只手里有巧克力?猜对了就归你。Which magazines do you get regularly?你定期收到哪些杂志?Which history class are you in?你上哪个历史课?Which firm will be catering at the wedding reception?将由哪家公司承办婚宴?Which way the vote will go? It's hard to say.投票结果会怎样?这很难说。Which groups does the party draw most of its support from?该党派的大部分支持来自哪些群体?Which of these dresses do you like best?这些连衣裙你最喜欢哪件?Which year was it that Italy won the World Cup?意大利是哪一年赢得世界杯的?Which sports do you play at school?你们在学校里参加哪些体育运动?Which party would you prefer to go to - Anna's or Dan's ?你更想去哪个聚会——安娜的还是丹的?Which computer languages do you know?你懂得哪些计算机编程语言?Which colour do you want – red, green, yellow, or blue?你要什么颜色的,红的、绿的、黄的还是蓝的?Which would you like, tea or coffee?你喜欢哪一种,茶还是咖啡?Which of these do you think tastes best?这些东西当中你觉得哪种最好吃?Which newspaper do you take?你一般读什么报纸?Which city has the largest population?哪个城市人口最多?Which candidate would be the lesser evil?哪位候选人会略好些呢?Which would you sooner do - go swimming or play tennis?你更愿意玩哪一样——游泳还是打网球?Which way are you going? Maybe we can share a cab.你要往哪个方向?也许我们能同乘一辆出租车。Which adult in these children's lives will provide the nurturing they need?这些孩子生活中的哪个成人会为他们提供所需的养育呢?Which one of you children crayoned the wall? 你们哪个孩子用蜡笔在墙上画画了?Which method is the most effective?哪种方法最有效?




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