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例句 I don't know what it is about that guy, but I just don't like him.不知道是怎么回事,我就是不喜欢他。Can you clarify exactly what it is you're proposing?你能明确阐述一下你的提议吗?The Treasury keeps the Bank of England informed about what it is doing on fiscal policy.财政部随时向英格兰银行通报财政政策制定的情况。People have no concept of what it is like to live in real poverty.人们不了解生活在真正赤贫状态是怎么一回事。It is hard to imagine what it is like to sleep rough at any time, but doubly so in the current freezing weather.无论何时,露宿街头的滋味都是难以想象的,更何况是在现在这么冷的天气下。In ten years’ time, your investment should be worth four times what it is now.过十年,你的投资将增值至目前的四倍。She has something on her mind, but she won't tell us what it is.她心里有事,但却不肯告诉我们究竟是什么事。He knows what it is to be poor. 他知道穷的滋味。I have known what it is like to go without food for days.我知道几天没有东西吃是什么滋味了。Jeff has a job in mind, but refuses to say directly what it is.杰夫心里想到一份工作,但是不肯直截了当地说出来。His writing is so diffuse and obscure that it is difficult to make out what it is he is trying to say.他的文章含混晦涩,让人看后不知所云。In this exercise, a word is blanked out and you have to guess what it is by looking at the context.在这个练习中,有一个单词被抽去了,你必须根据上下文猜测这个单词是什么。I don't know what it is about John, but women just seem to throw themselves at him.我不懂约翰究竟有什么招数,反正女人们似乎总是对他投怀送抱。That play is not what it is cracked up to be.那出戏不像所说的那么好。Don't strain yourself trying to think of the answer. I can tell you what it is.别绞尽脑汁想答案了,我可以告诉你。I don't know what it is, but there's something about that man which really irritates me.我不知道为什么,但那人有些地方就是让我很恼火。They are unimpressed with the scheme and rightly see it for what it is.他们对这个方案印象平平,觉得它不过如此。Outsiders have a glamorized idea of what it is like to work in Hollywood.外人把在好莱坞工作想象得无比美好。Something's happened to upset him but we don't know what it is.一定发生了什么事让他烦躁不安,可我们不知道究竟是什么事。Only other sufferers know what it is like to be afflicted with this disease.只有其他患此病的人才知道被这种病折磨是什么滋味。The song has a certain appeal, but I'm not sure what it is.这首歌有某种感染力,可是我说不出到底是什么。




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