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词汇 desperately
例句 He struggled desperately to get to the shore.他拼命向岸边游去。She desperately clawed at her attacker's face.她拼命地抓袭击者的脸。The world desperately needs an effective WTO.世界急需一个富有成效的世界贸易组织。His country desperately needs Western aid to restore its ailing economy.他的国家急需西方援助以复苏其不景气的经济。He will fight even more desperately if trapped.如果被困,他会反抗得更疯狂。The Ministry desperately tried to hush up the whole affair.部里拼命想隐瞒整个事件。John desperately wanted to go to university.约翰非常想上大学。She was trying desperately to stay afloat.她拼命使自己浮在水面。He desperately dodged a speeding car trying to run him down.他拼命地闪身躲开一辆试图撞倒他的疾驰的汽车。Kate desperately searched her mind for some excuse.凯特绞尽脑汁想找个借口。The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs.那些银行正在拼命急于收回成本。Terrified residents tried desperately to salvage belongings from their devastated homes.吓坏了的市民们拼命从被毁的家中抢救财物。She was desperately unhappy after Sean left her.肖恩离开她之后,她极为难过。She was desperately trying to calm the inferno raging within her.她拼命想平息胸中的怒火。They desperately struggled to defeat the enemy.他们为打败敌人不顾一切地进行搏斗。I desperately needed something to occupy me during those long, lonely nights.在那一个个漫长、孤单的夜晚,我极需找点事做。He was desperately trying to persuade her.他不顾一切地想要说服她。I desperately fought the urge to giggle.我拼命地想忍住笑。She fought him desperately, kicking and biting.她又踢又咬,与他拼命撕打。I would not have given him houseroom, but Sylvia desperately wanted him back.我原本不想让他待在家里,可是西尔维娅特别想要他回来。I tried desperately to hang on to my sanity as events became more and more confused.事情越来越复杂,我拼命想保持头脑清醒。She is desperately unhappy.她悲伤至极。Local people desperately want to get rid of US troops on the island.当地人民不顾一切地想赶走岛上的美国驻军。I was desperately unhappy in that job, but had to grit my teeth and stay smiling for the sake of my children.我做那份工作极不开心,但是为了孩子,我只得咬咬牙,保持微笑。Governments are desperately trying to rein in their escalating health care costs.政府正竭力想要控制住逐渐上涨的医疗保健开支。Hannah yearned for a child, and felt desperately sad whenever she saw other women with their babies.汉娜渴望有个孩子,只要看到别的女人带着孩子,她就会极其难过。He desperately needed cash to bail out the ailing restaurant.他急需现金使经营惨淡的餐馆走出困境。Politicians desperately need families.政治家非常需要有家人。I'm not desperately happy about it.我对此并不是很高兴。You can see he's desperately jealous. It stands out a mile.很明显,他嫉妒得要命。He was obsessed with her and wanted her desperately.他满脑子都是她,急不可耐地想要她。The magazine is desperately trying to shed its old-fashioned image.这份杂志急于摆脱其守旧的形象。He fumbled around in the cupboard, desperately searching for his tablets.他在柜子里乱摸一通,急着找他的药片。Mary was desperately looking forward to her retirement, which was less than a year off.玛丽急切地等着退休,还有一年不到的时间。Aware of how the minutes were ticking away, Julia desperately scribbled down the last few answers.朱莉娅意识到时间在一分一秒地过去,就拼命地草草写下最后几个答案。The hospital was desperately understaffed.这家医院员工严重不足。She must feel desperately lonely with all her family in Scotland.她的家人全都在苏格兰,她一定感到十分孤独。The hospital is desperately short-staffed.这所医院人手极为短缺。Her father was a desperately unhappy man.她父亲是个极度伤感的人。The crops desperately need rain.这些作物急需雨水。




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