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词汇 desolation
例句 She sank into a state of desolation and despair.她陷入悲痛和绝望中。The army left desolation and death through the whole of northern Morazan.军队离开了,在整个莫拉桑省北部留下了满目疮痍和遍野横尸。The flood left desolation in its wake.洪水过后,留下一片荒凉景象。It can only have added to their desolation.这只能增加他们的孤独感。She says the army left desolation and death through the whole of northern Morazan.她说军队在整个莫拉桑省北部留下了满目疮痍和遍野横尸。Her desolation is greater now that the children are away.孩子们走了,她更觉孤寂。The countryside was depopulating to the point of desolation.农村人口已经减少到荒无人烟的地步了。Kozelek expresses his sense of desolation absolutely without self-pity.科泽莱克不带一丝自怜地表达了自己的凄凉之感。We looked out upon a scene of desolation and ruin.我们放眼望去,眼前是一片荒凉的废墟。It was a scene of utter desolation. 这是满目疮痍的景象。




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