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词汇 desperate
例句 We're all pulling for each other because we're desperate to win the Cup back.因为我们非常想赢回奖杯,所以一直在互相打气。The President has so far refused to countersign the Prime Minister's desperate decree.总统到目前为止仍然拒绝在首相那条孤注一掷的政令上连署签字。The earthquake survivors are in desperate need of help.地震幸存者亟需帮助。He made a desperate attempt to hijack a plane.他铤而走险,企图劫持一架飞机。We could hear their desperate cries for help.我们可以听到他们绝望的呼救声。He was desperate to get a job.他急于找到一份工作。His mother was desperate with worry.他妈妈担心得要命。She's a vindictive woman desperate for revenge against the man who loved and left her.她不顾一切地想要报复那个对自己始乱终弃的男人。There is a great/desperate/pressing need for change.当前迫切需要变革。The state of that country is desperate.那个国家的形势非常危急。He lashed out in desperate self-defence.他拼命自卫,猛踢乱打。The collapse of her business had made her desperate.她的生意倒闭使她陷入绝望。They were, in fine, as desperate a bunch of cutthroats as ever sailed the seven seas.一言以蔽之,他们就像曾纵横七大洋的亡命之徒一样胆大妄为。Newspapers are always desperate for stories.报纸总是极需要发现新闻。The organization provides aid to people in desperate circumstances.这个组织为走投无路的人提供帮助。He takes desperate likes and dislikes.他的好恶都走极端。Her campaign is in desperate straits.她发起的活动陷入了十分困窘的境地。He was desperate when he lost all his money.当他丢了所有的钱时,他绝望了。I could see that they were desperate and needed help.我看得出他们极需要帮助。I felt desperate about my future.我对未来感到绝望。The team is desperate for a win.这支球队急需胜一场。As for his latest film, it's desperate.说到他最新的电影,实在是糟糕透了。The company is in desperate financial straits.公司目前的财务状况极度困难。A desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.一个亡命之徒为了达到自己的目的什么事都做得出来。The general made one last desperate effort to retrieve the situation.将军为了挽回局面,孤注一掷。I had no money left and was desperate.我身无分文,已经走投无路了。The investors took this interest rate cut as a sign that the Government was desperate.投资者把这次削减利率视作政府绝望的表现。A cordon of police struggled to keep back onlookers and relatives desperate for news.警察设置警戒线努力挡回围观人群和急切等待消息的亲属。They admit they are now desperate for a lucky break.他们承认现在急盼幸运之神的降临。I was desperate to find a way out of teaching so when this job came along I snatched at it.我当时急于脱离教职,所以这份工作一出现我便毫不犹豫地抓住了机会。Measure are being taken to stop employment agencies exploiting foreign workers desperate to find a job.正在采取措施阻止职业介绍所剥削急着找工作的外国劳工。I decided not to abandon John when he was in such a desperate position.我决定不在约翰走投无路的时候抛弃他。Lost and so far from other human life, he faced a desperate struggle to stay alive.他迷了路并且远离其他人,要活下去需要作拼死的抗争。The refugees made a desperate flight to freedom.难民们拼命奔逃,寻求自由。She was desperate to prove that she was right.她迫切需要证明自己是正确的。I've managed to palm that early morning class off on Mary - she's desperate for work.我已经把那早上的课打发给玛丽去上了,她急着要找工作。Stop throwing yourself at him. You'll look desperate.别再勾引他了。你会看上去太迫不及待了。In a desperate attempt to stave off defeat, he reluctantly promised wholesale reform of the constitution.为了竭力避免败局,他勉强答应要对宪法进行大规模修改。Barnet was desperate for money to resolve his financial problems.巴尼特急需钱来解决他的经济问题。I was desperate for money.我很需要钱。




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