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词汇 blurred
例句 He suffers from blurred vision and headaches.他视力模糊,经常头疼。The media has blurred the demarcations between news and entertainment.媒体混淆了新闻与娱乐之间的界线。The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.事实与虚构之间的界限趋于模糊。Her neck ached, her spine jarred, her vision blurred.她脖子疼,脊梁骨发颤,视力模糊不清。Tears blurred his vision.泪水模糊了他的视线。The Internet has blurred the boundary between news and entertainment.因特网模糊了新闻与娱乐的界限。His films have always blurred the boundaries between fact and fiction.他的电影中事实和虚构总是难以区分。Childhood recollections had blurred into a mix of reality and fantasy.童年的往事已经模糊成了现实与幻想的混合体。Commentators see increasingly blurred boundaries between firms engaged in such collaborative relations.评论员看到,处于这种协作关系的各家公司之间的界限越来越模糊。In the US, the dividing line between political and business interests has always been blurred.在美国,政治和经济利益的界限一直很模糊。The writing was blurred where the ink ran.在墨水晕开的地方,字迹变得模糊不清。The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.事实和虚构之间的界限正变得模糊起来。Often the dividing line is blurred.区别通常是模糊的。The evidence is blurred by central banks' reluctance to reveal their blunders.由于中央银行不愿意公开自己的愚蠢错误,证据并不清楚。I blurred my report by spilling milk on it.我不小心把牛奶泼了出来,弄脏了报告。His eyes were blurred from years.他因年老而双眼昏花。The patient's symptoms include blurred vision.病人的症状包括视力模糊。The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.历史和轶闻的分界向来是模糊而混乱的。The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.那个岛的清晰轮廓已变得模糊不清。The paper had got wet and blurred the ink.纸湿了,把墨迹弄模糊了。The street lights were blurred by the fog.街灯在迷雾的笼罩中变得昏暗了。Tears blurred my vision.泪水模糊了我的视线。Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred.虚构和现实越来越难以区分了。My memory of that time is blurred.我对那时的情况已记忆不清了。The moths tapped and blurred at the window screen.飞蛾撞击并弄脏了纱窗。All I have to remind me of Albert are a few letters and a blurred photo.能让我想起艾伯特的就只是几封信和一张模糊的照片。Do you agree that male and female roles are becoming blurred?你是否同意男人和女人的角色差别正变得越来越模糊?The difference between male and female roles within the house has become blurred.家庭中男女角色的差异已经变得模糊了。Many of the details in the picture are blurred.照片中许多细节的地方都模糊了。The evidence is blurred by central banks' reluctance to reveal their blunders.中央银行不愿意披露他们的过失,这使证据变得含糊不清。Without my glasses, anything more than a few feet away looks blurred.我若不戴眼镜,几英尺远的地方看上去就一片模糊。Her eyes blurred with tears.他的视线因泪水变得模糊不清。Her eyes feel funny and everything is blurred.她觉得眼睛不舒服,看什么都模糊。The images are blurred because the telescope is out of focus.望远镜没有对准焦点,图像模糊不清。When he woke up he had a splitting headache and his vision was blurred.他醒来时头痛欲裂,视力也模糊不清。His damp fingers blurred the manuscript.他的湿手弄脏了稿子。The two events have blurred together in my mind.这两件事我记混了。The tears in my eyes blurred the words on the page.满眼泪水使我无法看清页面上的字。The tears blurred her vision.泪水模糊了她的视线。Years of hard living had blurred but not erased her girlhood beauty.多年的艰辛岁月使她芳容暗淡,但少女时代的美貌仍然依稀可辨。




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