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词汇 well out
例句 We'll never stop them arguing. I wish I were well out of it.我们怎么也不能劝止他们的争吵,要是我能躲得开就好了。I hated the Cold War. I think we're very well out of it.我痛恨冷战。幸亏我们没有卷进去。You're well out of that firm — the police have arrested the owner for fraud.幸亏你和那家企业脱离了干系,那老板因诈骗罪已被警方抓起来了。 They're always arguing about money, but I try to stay well out of it.他们老是为钱争吵,可我尽量不去插手。After months of staying well out of the problem, Washington has expressed a willingness to help find a solution.几个月以来都不曾介入该问题的华盛顿方面已表示愿意帮助寻求解决方案。I think he did well out of the change of jobs.我想他通过更换工作得到了好处。The plane was well out of sight.飞机早已飞出了视线。The device sends the fish to the bottom of the pond, well out of harm's way.这个装置可以把鱼赶入池底,远离危险。




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