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词汇 juices
例句 Some fruit juices taste a bit acidic.有些果汁有点酸。Dental erosion in adults can be due to excessive consumption of fruits and fruit juices.成人患牙侵蚀症可能是由于吃水果或喝果汁过多造成的。He can be very tough to beat when he gets his competitive juices flowing.他一来劲儿就很难打败。Scrape off all the meat juices stuck to the bottom of the pan.把粘在平底锅底的肉汁全擦掉。Let him stew in his own juices for a while.让他自作自受吧。Fruit juices contain natural sugars.果汁含有天然糖分。Children should not drink fruit juices straight.儿童不应该喝纯果汁。Many fruit juices are now available in handy little cartons.现在许多水果汁都装在便于使用的小纸盒里出售。Fry the meat quickly in hot oil to seal in the flavour/juices.把肉在热油中迅速过一下,以保持它的原汁原味。Cook the duck until the juices run pale yellow when the flesh is pierced.把鸭子煮到戳进鸭肉时流出浅黄色的汁为止。Both the mango and guava juices have good flavour and food value.芒果汁和番石榴汁味道都很好,营养价值也都很高。Fry the meat quickly to seal in the juices.把肉快煎一下锁住肉汁。The fish is laid out on a large serving plate to catch the juices.鱼盛在一个大盘子里,以防汤汁洒出来。She came up with some great ideas when her creative juices started flowing.她一发挥创造力,总会提出一些很好的想法。The fish is laid out on a large serving plate to catch the juices.鱼放在大托盘里,可防止浇汁流出。The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers.胃中胃液分泌过多会导致胃溃疡。They serve juices, bottled waters, and other thirst-quenching drinks.他们提供果汁、瓶装水和其他解渴的饮料。Fry the meat first to seal in the juices.先把肉煎一煎锁住汁。Boil the meat juices down to make a thick sauce.把肉汁熬成稠酱汁。Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices.肉先快煮,可保存肉汁。I was recommended fruit juices to flush nicotine out of the body.有人劝我多喝果汁以排除体内尼古丁。Propolis is a hard resinous substance made by bees from the juices of plants.蜂胶是蜜蜂用植物汁液合成的像树脂一样的物质。When cooked, drain off the juices and put the meat in a processor or mincer.肉煮熟后,沥干肉汁,将其放入食品加工机或绞肉机中。After a workout, juices are excellent because they quench your thirst and replace fluids and carbohydrates.锻炼之后喝果汁很不错,不但解渴而且还补充了液体和碳水化合物。He seared the steak to seal in the juices.他把牛排煎了一下以锁住肉汁。Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time.果汁放置日久会发酵。The tomatoes are then heated to seal in the juices.随后给西红柿加热以确保汁液不会流出。




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