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词汇 juggling
例句 Trying to continue with a demanding career and manage a child or two is an impossible juggling act.一边要做一份费神费力的工作一边又要照顾一两个孩子,这根本无法同时兼顾。Mary loves juggling with language.玛丽老爱在用词造句上玩花样。One guy was juggling with five balls.有个家伙在玩杂耍抛接五个球。It took a lot of juggling and rearrangement of figures before the loan was approved.在对数据进行大量改动和重新整理后,这笔贷款才被审批下来。He was still juggling with figures and possibilities.他仍在窜改数字,歪曲可能性。Working and raising children can be a real juggling act for parents.为人父母,可能真的要兼顾工作和养育孩子。He can perform an astonishing variety of acts, including mime and juggling.他会包括哑剧和抛接杂耍在内的表演,种类多得惊人。Someone was juggling in the street, and a small group of spectators had gathered to watch.有人在街上玩杂耍,已经有一小群人聚集在那里观看。Her life is a constant juggling act, coping with career, family, and home life single-handed.她的生活一直不容易,独自一人同时应对事业和家庭。Peter loves juggling with language.彼得老爱在用词造句方面玩花样。Soon she was juggling five eggs.她很快就在边抛边接五个鸡蛋了。It's a matter of juggling income and expenditure.这是个合理安排收支的问题。The club features juggling and magic acts in addition to stand-up comedy.这家俱乐部除了有单人滑稽说笑表演外,还有杂耍和魔术表演。I don't have the dexterity for juggling.我动作不敏捷,玩不了杂耍。After juggling our schedules around, we've managed to arrange a meeting.改动我们的日程表后,我们已设法安排出时间开会。I don't think any man can ever understand the difficulties of juggling motherhood and politics.我想没有一个男人能够理解既要做母亲又要从政的难处。




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