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词汇 juicy
例句 I just heard a juicy tidbit about your brother.我刚刚听说一件有关你哥哥的趣事。I'll let you raid the larder for some juicy titbits.我会让你去翻翻橱柜,找些多汁美味的好吃的。I like my steaks to be tender, juicy, and full of flavour.我喜欢牛排鲜嫩多汁,而且口味要浓。This orange is nice and juicy.这橙子真是味美多汁。The chicken was golden and crispy on the outside and juicy and succulent inside.这鸡外面金黄松脆,里面汁多味美。We managed to wheedle the juicy details out of him.我们设法哄他说出了刺激的细节。She's been trying to get a really juicy role for years.多年来她一直在寻觅真正让自己满意的角色。The pineapple was sweet and juicy.这个菠萝甜而多汁。It provided some juicy gossip for a few days.它制造了一些非常八卦的流言蜚语,够说上好几天的。She was telling me all the juicy details of her love life.她在给我讲述她的种种风流韵事。The meat is tender and juicy.这肉鲜嫩多汁。American companies were salivating at the juicy contracts for rebuilding Kuwait that were likely to come their way.重建科威特的合同利润丰厚,对于他们有望分得的那一杯羹,美国各公司都垂涎欲滴。The fruit has sweet, juicy pulp and hard, black seeds.这种水果的果肉甜而多汁,果核坚硬呈黑色。As a starter, we had delicious juicy tomatoes stuffed with rice.我们第一道菜吃了一个美味多汁的番茄酿饭。I want to know all the juicy details.我想知道所有有趣的细节。He knows all the juicy gossip.他知道所有的八卦趣闻。There's nothing better than a nice juicy peach!没有什么能够胜过一只美味多汁的桃子了!These pears have a sweet, juicy flesh.这些梨的果肉香甜多汁。She's a juicy bit.她是个性感的妞儿。He gets all the juicy jobs.他干的全是有趣的活儿。She told me a juicy titbit about Claire.她给我讲了有关克莱尔的花边新闻。She sued her former boss and won a juicy settlement in court.她把先前的老板告上法庭,获得了一大笔赔偿金。The flesh of the peach was sweet and juicy.这桃子的肉又甜,汁又多。He sank his teeth into a juicy steak.他咬了一口多汁的牛排。




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