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例句 Mom announced that she was going to visit her family for a couple of weeks, which was absolutely unheard of.妈妈说她要回娘家几周,这绝对是前所未有的事。It's been a tough six months and I feel I've earned a few weeks off.这半年可真是够辛苦的,我觉得我也该休息几周了。Karen's baby was born six weeks early.卡伦的小孩早了六周出生。She was very ill for two weeks but she is over the hill now.有两个星期她病得很厉害,但现在危险期已过。A few weeks later he said that maybe he viewed all his relationships rather negatively.几个星期后,他说他也许把自己的各种人际关系看得太消极了。He visited for two short weeks.他只访问了短短的两周。You haven't put any money in the kitty for three weeks.你有三个星期没交份子钱了。She started having contractions two weeks before her due date.她在预产期前两周就开始宫缩。It snowed continually for three weeks.一连下了三周的雪。The process could take weeks, but I'm up against a deadline.这个过程得要几个星期,但我的截止日期却要到了。There had been no rain to speak of for ten weeks and the garden was dying.十个星期没有下过像样的雨了,花园里草木枯萎。She'll have four weeks' holiday next year.她明年有四个星期的假。The new drilling equipment has been on order for several weeks.新的钻探设备已经订购有几星期了。He fell sick and died within a matter of weeks.他得了病,不出几星期就死了。For weeks we had cloudless blue skies.好几个星期以来,我们这里的天空都是晴朗无云,一片湛蓝。She was in a coma for seven weeks.她陷入昏迷达七周之久。We've spent weeks investigating this case and it's got us completely baffled.这个案子我们调查了好几个星期,把我们彻底难倒了。It will take weeks to get all the wrinkles ironed out.解决这些难题得要几周时间。I'd receive the manuscript of a novel each month and have two weeks to turn it around and get it turned in.我每个月收到一部小说手稿,用两周时间完成,然后再把它交上去。It has come to my notice that the student has failed to hand in his homework for two weeks.我已经注意到这个学生已两星期没交作业了。Some weeks ago I recommended to EU member states that we should have discussions with the Americans.几周前,我曾向欧盟成员国提议我们应该和美国人进行磋商。Lt. Forney managed to elude capture by enemy forces for several weeks.福尼上尉设法躲过敌军好几个星期的追捕。The poor sod hasn't been out for weeks.那个可怜的家伙已经好几个星期没出门了。The trial was adjourned for two weeks until the psychiatrist's report was ready.审判休庭两星期,直到精神病专家的报告出来。I haven't been able to shake this cold off for weeks.几周来我的感冒一直无法痊愈。I took a couple weeks off.我休了几周假。The police have had him under observation for several weeks.警方已监视他数周了。I'll be out of town for a couple of weeks.我要出城一两个星期。For weeks now the government has been paralysed by indecision.到现在,政府已因无力决断陷入瘫痪达数周。New recruits have been undergoing training in recent weeks.最近几周,新兵正在接受训练。The book I want to buy is on back order and won't be shipped for three weeks.我要买的那本书缺货,三周后才能送货。He gave us a hazy account of how he had spent the last two weeks.他大致给我们讲了一下过去两周他是如何度过的。We had enough provisions for two weeks.我们的粮食足够应付两星期。It took me weeks to worm the facts out of him.我用了几周的时间才从他那里打探出了真相。Annie was born a few weeks before Christmas.安妮出生在圣诞节前几周。Detectives shadowed him for weeks.侦探跟踪了他好几个星期。In recent weeks, Abrams has counterattacked.最近几周,艾布拉姆斯进行了反击。I'll need a few weeks to get to know the system.我需要几周的时间来熟悉这一系统。Many policies pay out only after a period of weeks or months.很多保单在几周或几个月后才得以赔付。We had weeks of problems with the new computer system.我们的新电脑系统好几个星期都有问题。




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