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词汇 way back
例句 The West Indians had clawed their way back into the match.西印度群岛人艰难地重新回到比赛中来。On the way back, Jarvis detoured to check the time of services at the church.回去的路上,贾维斯绕道去核实了一下教堂礼拜仪式的时间。On the way back home, we had a blowout.在回家的路上,我们的一只车胎爆了。She fought her way back to health so quickly after the accident that she was soon back at school.她在事故后努力迅速恢复了健康,所以很快返校上课了。He made his way back to the farmyard where his regiment was encamped.他回到了他所在的团驻扎的农家场院。I'll call back tonight, on the way back from the pub.我今晚从酒馆回来时会顺路再去拜访。My admirations for you are deep — have been from way back.我对您深深仰慕,且由来已久。We came to the conclusion that there was no other way back to the camp.我们得出的结论是 没有其他回营地的路。I'll pop in to see her on my way back.我回去路上顺便去看看她。I had a map but I still couldn't find my way back to the hotel.我有一张地图,可还是找不到回酒店的路。They are friends from way back. 他们是多年的朋友了。He arose and took the long way back.他站起来,从较远的路返回。The team slowly made their way back to base.球队慢慢地回营去。The salmon fight their way back up the river to spawn.鲑鱼奋力回游到河里产卵。The train left the rails but somehow forced its way back onto the line.火车脱轨了,但总算设法回到了原来的轨道上。On the way back, he invited me to his home for drinks.回去的路上,他邀请我去他家喝一杯。She claims to be able to trace her ancestry all the way back to the earliest settlers.她声称她的家世可追溯至最早的移民。Like a man in a trance, Blake found his way back to his rooms.布莱克神思恍惚地回到了自己的房间。He aboutturned and swam all the way back.他转身游了回来。We all had a kip on the way back.我们在回来的路上都打了个盹儿。They used the stars as a guide to find their way back.他们以星星做向导找到了回去的路。She got into a crack-up on her way back from the city.她从城里回来的路上发生了车祸。We'll stop off and see you on our way back.我们回来的时候顺路来看你。Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of bodies.她从人流中慢慢地挤了回来。His sense of unease stayed with him, all the way back home.在回家的路上,他始终感到惴惴不安。Why don't you call on Matt on your way back from work and see how he is?你下班回家路上去看一下马特,看看他现在怎样了,好吗?It sounds as grungy now as it did way back in 1967.现在听起来和一九六七年时一样烂。She got lost trying to find her way back to the hotel.她努力寻找回旅馆的路的过程中迷失了方向。How do birds know when to migrate, and how do they find their way back home?鸟类是如何知道何时迁徙,它们又是如何找到归家之路的呢?We sat way back in the last row.我们远远地坐在最后一排。He can trace his family history all the way back to the Pilgrims.他可以把他的家族史一直追溯到清教徒移民的时代。She snapped off the light and made her way back through the dark kitchen.她啪的一下关掉灯,从厨房摸黑走了出来。We hoofed it all the way back to camp. 我们一路快走赶回营地。He was all the way back to normal.他完全恢复了正常。 He eventually escaped and made his way back to England.他终于逃脱并回到了英国。You have to pull the lever all the way back.你得把杠杆尽可能地往后拉。He drank some water, then groped his way back to the bedroom.他喝了些水,又摸索着回到卧室。In silence, Roland led the way back to the car.罗兰默不作声地带路走回停车的地方。Sarah found her way to the hotel all right, but she couldn't then find her way back home.萨拉顺利地来到饭店,可是后来却找不到回家的路了。I picked up a hitchhiker on our way back.我在回来的路上捎了一个搭便车的人。




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