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词汇 wander
例句 Keep your answers short and don't wander off the point.把你的答案说简单点,别离开正题。Corrinne let her mind wander back to the days when they first met.科琳的思绪回到他们初次相识的那个时候。His eyes would wander here and there, noticing every bird that flew past the window.他目光转来转去,注意着每只飞过窗户的鸟。I had a bit of a wander round the shops.我逛了会儿商店。The speech was boring and my attention/mind began to wander. 这个演讲太无聊了,我开始走神了。I jumped to my feet so my thoughts wouldn't start to wander.我跳起来,免得走神。He told us that we could wander around at will.他告诉我们说我们可以任意闲逛。Don't let your attention wander.思想不要开小差。I simply can't believe that responsible adults allowed a child to wander the streets.我简直不相信任何有责任感的成年人会让一个孩子在街上游荡。Hardy antelope wander in from the desert.适应力强的羚羊从沙漠游荡到了这里。My thoughts started to wander.我开始做白日梦。She told the children not to wander out of range of her voice/vision.她嘱咐孩子们不要跑到听不见她说话的地方去/不要跑出她的视线。A wander around any market will reveal stalls piled high with vegetables.随便到哪个市场逛逛,都能看见蔬菜堆得老高的菜摊。Visitors are free to wander through the gardens and woods.游客可以自由自在地在花园和树林中游玩。I had been careless and let him wander off on his own.我不小心让他自己走失了。What she most wanted to do was to wander about on the broad top of the acropolis.她最想做的是在卫城宽广的顶上漫步。His mind began to wander.他开始走神了。He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task.他克制着不让思想在工作时开小差。Pauline started to wander from the point.保利娜开始偏题了。Because Mother is afraid we'll get lost, we aren't allowed to wander far.妈妈怕我们迷路,不准我们走远。No one knows for certain how many refugees wander the world today, or languish in camps without a permanent place of settlement.无人清楚如今有多少难民在到处流浪,或有多少人流离失所,在难民营里受苦。Lisa let her mind wander a little.莉萨走了一会儿神。You can't simply wander around squatting on other people's property.你不能这样到处乱窜,擅自占用别人的地产。I'll wander around the mall for half an hour.我要在商场里兜半个小时。Let's have/take a wander. = Let's go for a wander. 我们出去转转吧。After dinner Carol left the hotel to wander the crowded streets.晚饭后,卡罗尔离开旅馆去拥挤的街上逛逛。His mind would wander, and he would lose track of what he was doing.他会走神,忘了自己正在干什么。Grace allowed her mind to wander to other things.格雷丝任由自己的思绪游移到别的事情上。Those who do not have relatives to return to are left to wander the streets and sleep rough.举目无亲的人只好四处游荡,露宿街头。Imagine long golden beaches where you can wander in solitude.想象一下那长长的金色海滩吧,在那里你可以独自徜徉。They could wander where they wished and take jobs from who paid best.他们可以想去哪儿就去哪儿,谁给的钱多就给谁干活儿。He used to wander over the moors, losing all track of time.他过去常在旷野上漫步,完全忘记了时间。Her mind began to wander.她开始胡思乱想。We went for a wander around the market.我们到市场上逛了逛。I just want to wander Europe on my own.我只想独自漫游欧洲。Visitors are allowed to wander without hindrance.游客可以随意走动。The teacher talked on and on and my mind began to wander.老师没完没了地在讲,我开始走神了。Don't let your thoughts wander.思想不要开小差。How could you let him wander off like that?你怎么能让他这样走散了?She liked to wander aimlessly around the park.她喜欢在公园附近随意走走。




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