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词汇 wand
例句 Do you know what this copper wand is used for?你知道这根铜棍是用来做什么的吗? I can't just wave a magic wand and make it all better.我可没本事一挥魔杖就把什么都变好。The cashier used a wand to scan the bar code.收银员用扫描枪扫描了商品条形码。There is no magic wand to secure a just peace.没有什么妙招能保证公正的和平。The conductor raised his wand.指挥家举起了指挥棒。I can't wave a magic wand and change what happened.我没有办法挥动魔杖改变已经发生的事。He seems to think I can wave a magic wand and everything will be all right.他似乎认为我只要挥一挥魔杖,一切就都会解决了。In real life there's no magic wand to make all our problems disappear.现实生活中没有魔杖可以让我们的困难全部消失。The rabbit disappeared with a wave of the magician's wand.魔术师的魔杖一挥,那只兔子就不见了。The new law is not a magic wand that will solve all our problems.这项新法并不是所有问题都能解决的万能魔法棒。The magician rapped the hat three times with his wand, said “hocus-pocus” and a rabbit appeared.魔术师用魔杖轻敲了三下帽子,口中念念有词,一只兔子就变出来了。The magician waved his magic wand and pulled a rabbit out of the hat.魔术师挥了一下魔术棒,从帽子里拎出一只兔子来。People can't expect him to wave a magic wand.人民不能指望他创造奇迹。You can't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons.不要以为魔杖一挥便能消除核武器。The general always carried his wand with him.这个将军总是带著他的权标。She warned that she had no magic wand to solve the problem.她告诫说她没有什么妙法来解决这个问题。The magician waved his magic wand.魔术师挥动他的魔杖。




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