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词汇 walk off
例句 They walked off down the shady side of the street.他们沿着街道阴凉的一边走了。Then he nodded courteously to me and walked off to perform his unpleasant duty.然后他礼貌地向我点了点头,便走开去干他那乏味的工作了。She slapped him in the face and walked off.她扇了他一耳光后愤然离去。She threatened to walk off the film set because of the conditions.她曾因工作条件问题而威胁要离开拍摄场地。How can a thief walk off with a safe in broad daylight?贼怎能在大白天偷走保险箱?He threw it aside with an impatient gesture and walked off.他用一个不耐烦的手势把它扔到一边,然后走开了。I'm going out to walk off this headache.我要出去散散步,缓解一下头痛。Maybe she'll walk off with the first prize!也许她会轻而易举地获得头奖!He walked off with first prize.他轻易地赢得头奖。They walked off with the state championship.他们轻松夺得州冠军。The fans hurled/shouted insults at the referee as he walked off the field after the game.赛后裁判员离场时,球迷们对他大骂/大喊。I didn't hear what he said - he sort of harrumphed and walked off.我没听到他说什么——他哼了一声就走开了。Without new contracts, mine workers will walk off their jobs Thursday.要是不重新签订合同,煤矿工人将于星期四举行罢工。Who's walked off with my cup?谁把我的杯子偷走了?He refused to discuss it and just walked off in a huff.他拒绝谈论这个问题并气冲冲地离开了。The players dejectedly walked off the field.那些运动员垂头丧气地离开了球场。He threw it aside with an impatient gesture and another oath and walked off.他不耐烦地把它扔到一边,又骂了一句,然后走开了。Joe walked off his job without prior consultation.乔未经事先商量就离开了工作岗位。Ryan was exhausted by the flight and walked off with wobbly legs to find Clark.赖恩这次坐飞机旅行后感到精疲力竭,他颤颤巍巍地走出来寻找克拉克。Elsie muttered something I couldn't catch and walked off.埃尔茜嘟嘟囔囔地说一些我听不清的话,然后就走开了。She walked off with a flounce.她怒冲冲地走掉了。People were hurling insults at the players as they walked off the pitch.当球员从球场上走下来时,观众朝他们大声辱骂。He went to the beach to try to walk off his hangover.他去海边散步,以消除过量饮酒后的不适。My bag's disappeared! That woman must have walked off with it!我的包不见了!肯定是那女人顺手偷走了!The pitcher heard angry catcalls as he walked off the field.投手离场时听到了愤怒的嘘声。Our team walked off with the championship.我队轻易地赢得冠军。I'll bet you walked off with my coat, too.我打赌你还顺手拿走了我的大衣。Mary walked off and he followed in her wake.玛丽走开了,他紧随其后。He managed to walk off his bad mood.他去散了散步,缓解了坏心情。When Father went to work,he accidentally walked off with Mother's umbrella.父亲上班时无意中把母亲的伞带走了。Let's go out and walk off our lunch.咱们出去走走,以便消化午饭。She walked off with the top prize.她轻松地拿到了头奖。In full view of our cameras, looters calmly walked off with TVs, radios, and VCRs.从我们的摄影机可以清楚看到,抢劫的人不慌不忙地搬走了电视机、收音机和录像机。She bowed to the audience and walked off stage.她向观众鞠躬,然后走下了舞台。He walked off without any word when he heard the news.听到这个消息他一声不吭地离开了。He walked off in a most bizarre fashion.他十分古怪地愤然离去。Garth picked up his pack, swung it over his shoulder and, without more ado, walked off into the night.加思拿起背包甩上肩头,立刻走进了黑夜里。Mr Haynes shook his head in obvious disgust and walked off.海因斯先生带着明显厌恶的表情摇了摇头,走开了。He walked off, tutting to himself.他走开了,口中啧啧不已。The robbers were walked off by the policemen.警察把强盗们押走了。




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