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词汇 voters
例句 They tried to use the issue as a wedge to divide Democratic lawmakers from Hispanic voters.他们试图利用这一事件使民主党议员和西班牙裔选民产生分歧。Most voters favor these tax cuts.大多数投票者支持减税This candidate came up with his revised platforms which were popular among the voters.候选人提出的修订版政纲在选民中广受欢迎。The voters seem to be in a mood for change.选民们似乎希望改变。Would you say that his views were representative of the majority of French voters?你认为他的观点代表了大多数的法国选民吗?It was a deliberate attempt to mislead the voters.这是故意在企图误导选民。Registrars checked the ID cards of prospective voters.登记员核对未来投票人的身份证。The party needs to take steps to attract disaffected voters.该党需要采取措施吸引那些失望的选民。The candidate is gaining support among young voters. 这名候选人正逐步赢得年轻选民的支持。The voters have become increasingly apathetic over the last several years.近几年来选民的态度变得越来越冷漠了。There is much/great concern among voters about/over the economy. = The economy is a matter of much/great concern to/for many voters.选民们非常担心经济问题。The voters came out despite threatening skies.尽管天色阴沉,选民们还是出来投票。His populism appeals to a broad range of voters.他的平民论吸引了大批选民。Unemployment is the leading pocketbook issue for most voters.对于大多数选民来说,失业是影响他们收入的首要问题。She has had trouble putting her message across to voters.她无法让选民们理解她的意思。The measure would serve to exclude certain voters.这项措施将能排除某些选民。The delegates wondered why he had not caught fire with voters.代表们不知道为什么他没有受到选民的热情支持。Small wonder that many voters hold their politicians in contempt.无怪乎很多选民看不起他们的政治家。Since neither candidate is appealing, voters are forced to choose the lesser of two evils.由于两位候选人都没有吸引力,选民只好把选票投给两者中略好些的那位。We categorize voters by their choice of newspaper.我们以选民对报纸的选择进行分类。They canvassed voters for the Republicans.他们游说选民投共和党人的票。Italian voters have shown that they are ready for a change of government.意大利选民表明,他们已经准备好更换政府了。Registration of voters is designed to avoid repeating.选民登记意在防止重复投票。A clear majority of the voters support the policy.明显多数的选民支持这项政策。Of course, tax cuts are usually popular with (the) voters.当然,减税通常会很受选民们欢迎。Her comments about political corruption clearly struck a chord with many voters.她对政治腐败的评论显然引起了众多选民的共鸣。His choices are sending mixed messages to voters.他作的一系列选择在向选民们传递互相矛盾的信息。The party is betting that the presidential race will turn into a battle for younger voters.该党期待这次总统竞选变成一场争取年轻一代选民的斗争。Few voters had any idea of the issues at stake.很少有选民知晓问题的关键所在。He displayed a curmudgeonly unwillingness to accept the voters' verdict.他态度恶劣,显得很不情愿接受选举人的意见。He's trying to improve his standing with the voters. 他在努力提高自己在选民心目中的地位。If Latino voters turn out in strength for the next election, results could be very different.如果下一届选举中拉丁美商选民大批投票,结果就会很不一样。The proposal is opposed by a minority of voters.这项提议被少数选民反对。Economic concerns are foremost on many voters' minds.经济是许多选民关心的首要问题。It seized the chance to earn the gratitude of potential women voters by granting their enfranchisement.它通过给予女性选民选举权而抓住机会,卖给她们一个人情。Labour voters tend to rate the National Health Service as a top priority.支持工党的选民通常赞成把国民保健系统列为重中之重。The candidate made a direct appeal to the voters.候选人对选民发出直接呼吁。First-time voters could hold the key to the election result.第一次投票的人可能会对选举结果起关键作用。The poll asked voters what was the most important moral issue that affected their vote.该调查询问选民什么是影响他们投票的最重要的道德问题。It's hard to predict voters' whims.很难预料选民们一时的决定。




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