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The policy of the school is to give preference to minority candidates.这所学校的政策是给予少数民族申请者优先权。Low achievers in schools will receive priority.在学校里成绩较差的人会拥有优先权。I got the first pick of the prizes because I was the oldest.因为我最年长,所以有选择奖品的优先权。I had the privilege of sitting in for Kerby Anderson.我享有替代科比·安德森的优先权。Special preferences were offered initially to encourage investment.给予特殊优先权最初是为了鼓励投资。He's promised me first option on his car.他答应给我买他那部车的优先权。Remember the precedence due to seniority.记住应给长辈以优先权。 |