例句 |
In a harsh economic climate, pay rises for politicians have become a lightning conductor for criticism.在经济状况十分严峻的情况下,给政客涨工资这一举措便成了众矢之的。Her proposal has been the target of much criticism.她的提议一直是众矢之的。Taylor has come in for a lot of criticism for his part in the affair.泰勒因参与此事而成了众矢之的。This left the country isolated and defenceless.该事件使该国陷入孤立,成了众矢之的。The president's comments on taxes made him a sitting duck to critics.总统对税收的意见使他成为众矢之的。His proposal has been the target of much criticism.他的提议成了众矢之的。He had to bear the brunt of the blame.他只好成为众矢之的。 |