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词汇 visits
例句 He only visits his parents under sufferance.他探望父母时总是极不情愿。She complained about the infrequency of her son's visits. 她抱怨儿子不常来看她。The frequency of our visits decreased during the school year.上学期间我们的参观次数减少了。He visits his grandmother on a regular basis. 他定期看望祖母。Sometimes my mother visits me at work, although I have given her strict instructions not to do so.有时候我母亲会在我上班时来看我,尽管我已经严肃地告诉过她别这么做。She still visits her old schoolfriends whenever possible.她还是一有机会就去看老同学。The social workers’ home visits are highly structured, with specific goals and learning objectives.社会工作者的家访是很有条理的,有明确的目的和学习目标。Prison officials relented and allowed Wilson to receive visits from his family.监狱的官员动了恻隐之心,允许威尔逊接受家人探访。To me, their visits were a relief from loneliness.对我来说,他们的来访解我寂寞。You may have regular home visits from a neonatal nurse.可以雇请育婴护士定期到家里提供服务。He visits his friends only nightly.他只在夜里访友。The prisoner is allowed conjugal visits from his wife. 那名囚犯得到许可,允许他的妻子来探监并与其同房。A team visits every week to chart their progress.有一个小组每周都来记录他们的进展情况。A mystery shopper visits each branch every two weeks.每两周就有一名神秘顾客光顾一个分店。A nurse visits once a week to give Jessica's mother a break.护士每星期来给杰西卡的母亲帮一次忙。The static locomotive can be examined and footplate visits are permitted.可以察看静态机车并允许参观驾驶室。She suffered through another one of their long visits.他们又一次长时间造访使她苦不堪言。Hot summer days like this just scream for ice cream and visits to the pool.像这样的炎炎夏日太适合吃冰激凌和去游泳了。The report is based on visits to schools in five cities.这篇报道是根据对五个城市的学校的走访写成的。She enjoyed his increasingly regular visits.她喜欢他越来越频繁的来访。With few exceptions, guests are booked for week-long visits.宾客们几乎毫无例外地预订了一周游。We made infrequent stops/visits along the way.一路上我们很少停歇/参观。She's been out to Africa several times on diplomatic visits.她作外交访问去过非洲好几次。Ideally, all patients should have had the same number of follow-up visits.原则上,所有病人都应得到相同次数的随访。He visits them on a daily basis. 他每天都去看望他们。Whenever he goes home he visits his mother's grave.他每次回家都给母亲上坟。He visits his mother religiously every week.他每周都定期去探望母亲。Her visits to her aged father have become a ritual.她看望老父已成了习惯。He expects a hostile reception when he visits the US.他认为他访问美国时会受到冷遇。He still visits the village shop for buns and fizzy pop.他还是去村里的商店买小圆面包和汽水。She rarely visits her aunt.她难得去看望姨妈。He made occasional visits to London.他有时候会去伦敦。She enjoyed the frequent visits of her grandchildren.她喜欢孙辈常常来看望自己。His visits were the source of much comment.他的访问引发了大量评论。You will not take liberties when you make official visits.在正式访问时,你不可过于随便。They would make infrequent visits to the house.他们偶尔去看一看那所房子。Regular visits from a social worker can be of immense value to old people living alone.社工的经常探望对于独居老人会很重要。The company is using multimedia to increase the stickiness of visits to its Oxford Street store.这家公司采用多媒体手段来增加客户对他们在牛津街上商店的黏性。She visits the city on occasion.她有时到城里去。That was a really nice thing to do - I know Leona enjoys your visits.那真算得上是件好事—我知道利昂娜喜欢你去探望。




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