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词汇 visible
例句 She scorns the visible trappings of success, preferring to live unnoticed.她鄙视将成功炫耀于人,更愿意默默无闻地生活。The chair's original paint is still visible in spots.这把椅子上原来的油漆还零星可见。He was making a visible effort to control himself.他明显是在努力控制自己的情绪。In the UK visible imports have traditionally been greater than visible exports.在英国,传统上有形产品的进口一直大于出口。Beyond the red end of the visible light spectrum is infrared.在可见光谱红色一端之外是红外线。The planet Mars will be visible to the naked eye all week.整周都可以用肉眼观察到火星。Trim off all visible fat before cooking.烹调之前把所有看得见的肥肉都剔掉。Paula was a highly visible character.葆拉是个非常引人注目的人。His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.他脸色潮红是发烧的明显征象。Detectives found no visible signs of a struggle.侦探没有发现可见的挣扎迹象。One policeman was clearly visible noting the number plates of passing cars.能清楚地看到一名警察记下了经过车辆的车牌号。A visible alarm makes burglars think twice.看得见的警报器会使窃贼们三思而后行。The boat was barely visible off the coast.在海面上几乎看不到那只船。Only the top of his head was visible above the water.只看到他的头顶露出水面。The marks are in faint gold, and hardly visible.记号是淡金黄色的,几乎看不见。After exposure a faint image is visible.曝光之后一个模糊的图像隐约可见。We cut the trees down to make the lake visible from the house.我们把树砍倒,这样在屋里就能看见湖了。The election poster was clearly visible from the street.选举海报在街头颇为醒目。Trim any visible fat off the meat before cooking.烹调前切掉所有看得见的肥肉。The shadowy forms of several people were visible through the smoke.透过烟雾可看到几个模糊的人影。The mountain was visible only in outline as the light faded.光线暗了下来,只能看见山的轮廓。In a young thin person the thyroid may be visible just below the cricoid cartilage.在一个较瘦的年轻人身上,甲状腺有可能在环状软骨下方看到。The mountain was clearly visible in the distance.远处的山清晰可见。The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height.古战场的格局从高处俯瞰清晰可辨。Its contents were visible to all of them.里面的东西他们全都看得见。The face is the true self visible to others.这副面孔是他人所能见到的自我真实的一面。The tower is a landmark visible for miles.这座塔是数英里外可见的地标建筑。The star was plainly visible in the sky toward the north.天空中北边的那颗星星清晰可见。Mars was visible, dead in the centre of the telescope.可以看得见火星,就在望远镜的正中央。Her hand was just visible by the light from the sitting room.借着起居室的灯光,勉强能看见她的手。They found a bacterium visible to the human eye.他们发现了一种肉眼可见的细菌。She has no visible means of support. 她没什么明显可见的生活来源。The ship was not visible through the fog.那艘船被大雾遮住了。This may not be visible to the uninitiated eye, but the experienced quarryman sees it.也许外行人看不出来,但是逃不过有经验的采石工人的眼睛。There was a visible change in his mood.他的情绪出现了明显变化。He is visible only to his most intimate friends.他只愿会见最熟悉的朋友。The house was scarcely visible through the mist.在雾中几乎看不见那所房子。They were both glad to have gotten through the divorce proceedings without any visible signs of hostility.和平走完了离婚程序,他们俩都高兴。How can she survive when she has no visible means of support? 如果没有维持生计的手段,她怎么能生存呢?The barracks were plainly visible on the hillside.从山坡上可以清清楚楚地看到兵营。




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