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例句 Their missiles are viewed as a defensive and deterrent force.他们的导弹被视作一种防卫和威慑力量。His ideas on equality are viewed as utopian in the current political climate.在当前的政治气候下,他关于平等的观点被视为是乌托邦。Women are viewed as sex objects and exploited to sell products.女性被当成性吸引工具利用以达到销售商品的目的。Looking after the house was viewed as a woman's domain.料理家务被认为是属于妇女的职责范围。The violence was widely viewed as a spillover from the neighbouring region.人们普遍认为暴力事件是由邻近地区蔓延而来。The sea came in view as we came out of the forest.我们走出森林时看见了大海。Slaves were traditionally viewed as their masters' property.奴隶过去长期被视为奴隶主的财产。He is widely viewed as a possible leader.人们普遍认为他有可能成为首领。Bill savoured the view as he cruised along the coastline.比尔沿着海岸线边航行边欣赏景色。If you just tried to show normal dignity, you were viewed as uppity.就算你只是想表现出正常的端庄得体,也会被人认为是骄傲自大。We are free to regard such a view as mistaken.我们有自由认为这种观点是错误的。Liposuction should not be viewed as a cure for obesity.脂肪抽吸不应被视为治疗肥胖症的一种方法。The law should be viewed as a way of meeting certain social goals.这项法规应被视为是实现某些社会目标的一种途径。The ambassador dismissed these views as excessively alarmist.大使认为这些观点过于危言耸听而不予理会。Collective bargaining was viewed as the alpha and omega of trade unionism.集体谈判被视为工会主义的全部法宝。Greek and Latin were once viewed as the foundation stones of a good education.希腊语和拉丁语一度被认为是良好教育的奠基石。He argues that regulations should not be viewed as barriers to progress.他认为规定不应被视为对进步的阻碍。The report is viewed as a bellwether for economic trends.这份报告被视为经济走势的风向标。She is not viewed as a threat by her former employer.她以前的老板认为她不会对自己构成威胁。This conduct is not viewed as acceptable.这种行为被认为是不可接受的。Washington is unhappy with the peace plan which it views as unworkable.美国政府不满和平计划,认为其不可行。Before the modistae, grammar had not been viewed as a separate discipline.在中世纪语法学家以前,语法不曾被视为一门独立的学科。We watched the ship gradually fade from view as it sailed away.船起航离去,我们看着它渐渐从视线中消失。




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