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All three are Vietnam vets.这三位都是越战老兵。The bank carefully vets everyone who applies for an account.银行对每个申请开通账户的人都进行仔细的审核。The author vets every script for the new TV series.这部新电视连续剧的每一个剧本,作者都要仔细地过目。Country vets aren't easily sickened, but I felt my stomach turning when I saw the state of the dog.乡村的兽医见怪不怪,但我看到那条狗的样子却直翻胃。It is obligatory for vets to be registered.兽医必须注册。All my vets, doctors and hairdressers are Pisces or Virgo.我的兽医、医生和理发师,他们不是双鱼座的就是处女座的。 |