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词汇 quarterly
例句 The company holds quarterly meetings.公司每季度开一次会。Companies are required by law to report their financial results on a quarterly basis.法律要求公司按季度发布财务业绩。The magazine will be published quarterly.这份杂志每季度出一期。The quarterly had been a forum for sound academic debate.这本季刊曾经是进行颇有见地的学术讨论的论坛。The committee meets quarterly.委员会每一季度开会一次。He reviewed quarterly financial results.他审核了季度财务业绩。Reports are published quarterly.报告按季度公布。The interest compounds quarterly.按季度支付复利。Interest is compounded quarterly.利息按季度以复利计算。A full listing of the companies will be published quarterly.公司名录大全每季度出版一次。They have announced the quarterly dividend on the shares.他们公布了股票的季度股利。There is a quarterly standing charge.有一项每季不变的收费。The interest on the account is compounded quarterly.账户利息按季度计算复利。Their quarterly meetings were anodyne affairs.他们的季度会议乏善可陈。It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually.红利按季发放还是按年发放没有什么差别。The quarterly rental will be $50,000.每季度租金为五万元。The company will chart their quarterly sales.公司将把季度销售额绘制成图表。Dividends are paid quarterly or annually.股息按季度或者按年来支付。Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.客户通常按月、季度或年度预付费用。The payments are made quarterly. 款项按季度支付。




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