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词汇 quarterback
例句 The quarterback really put on a clinic in the second half, throwing four touchdown passes.四分卫在下半场表现出色,四次传球达阵。His role on the team is to be a backup to the regular quarterback.他是球队主力四分卫的替补。The coach used/exercised his own discretion to let the injured quarterback play.教练行使自主决定权,让带伤的四分卫上场。The quarterback threw a strike to the receiver.四分卫传了一个绝妙的球给接球手。The quarterback uncorked a mighty heave.四分卫突然大力扔球。He provides backup for the regular quarterback.他担任主力四分卫的替补。The center hiked the ball too soon, and the quarterback fumbled.中锋后传球太快了,四分卫没接住。I wish I had a son out there in the football field. To have him be the quarterback yet.真希望我有个儿子在那儿的球场上。而且最好还是个四分卫。The quarterback executed the play perfectly.四分卫出色地完成了比赛。The quarterback made a perfect throw.四分卫投了个完美的球。The receiver and the quarterback are going to trade positions.接球手与四分卫将会对换位置。The quarterback faked a handoff and then threw a pass downfield.这个四分卫假装要手递手传球,接着就把球扔传向了前场。The quarterback was tackled just as he cocked his arm to throw the ball.四分卫正要屈臂投球的时候被擒抱摔倒了。The quarterback called a running play.四分卫决定进行跑阵进攻。The quarterback's execution of the play was perfect.四分卫在比赛中表现得好极了。The quarterback threw the ball long.四分卫将球抛得很远。The quarterback fumbled the ball.四分卫漏接了球。The team's quarterback improved during his sophomore season.球队的四分卫在大二赛季中球技有所提高。The quarterback directs the offense.四分卫组织进攻。The quarterback threw a bomb to the wide receiver.四分卫抛了一个长传球给外接手。The quarterback was forced to hurry his throw.四分卫被迫匆忙抛球。The quarterback gained five yards on a keeper.四分卫利用护球推进打法向前推进了五码。The quarterback downed the ball to stop the clock.四分卫制造死球让比赛暂停。The coach is starting him at quarterback for the next game.教练打算让他在下一场比赛中首发上场,担任四分卫。The quarterback threw two touchdown passes in the first half of the game.上半场四分卫两次成功传球给队友达阵得分。The quarterback has turned the ball over three times.四分卫丢了三次球。The quarterback was sacked twice during the game.比赛中四分卫被擒杀了两次。The quarterback fumbled the snap. 四分卫漏接了后传球。The quarterback fumbled when he mishandled the snap.四分卫接发球失误,掉球了。The quarterback called out the play to his teammates.四分卫向队友下达战术。He dreamed about playing quarterback in the National Football League.他梦想着在全国橄榄球联盟中打四分卫。The quarterback remains on the shelf with a severe injury.四分卫由于伤势严重还不能上场。The quarterback made a quick pivot and threw the ball to the running back.四分卫快速转身,把球投给跑卫。The quarterback was the key of their team.那四分后卫是他们队的灵魂人物。The quarterback threw a bullet to the receiver.四分卫向接球手投出一个高速球。The quarterback made a quick three-step drop.四分卫迅速地从争球线后退了三步。The quarterback called the offense into a huddle.四分卫召集进攻队员聚拢听取战术。A gamble by the quarterback on the final play allowed them to score.最后一场比赛时四分卫的一次冒险进攻使他们得分了。The quarterback overthrew his receiver.四分卫投球过远,外接手没接到。The quarterback threw a tight spiral to the receiver.四分卫向接球手扔了一个急旋球。




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