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词汇 vertical
例句 A vertical line divides the page into two halves.一条竖线把这一页分成两半。The wallpaper has vertical pink and white stripes.墙纸上是粉红和白色相间的垂直条纹。The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical.这座山的北侧几乎是垂直的。In tin mining today, workers excavate tunnels horizontally from a vertical shaft.如今开采锡矿,工人们从竖井中横向开挖隧道。The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.该装置可以装在任何垂直或近似垂直的平面上。The frame is planked with vertical strips of balsa.这个框架用轻木竖条铺实。In some places the cliff was almost vertical, and much too dangerous to climb.有些地方悬崖几乎是垂直的,非常危险,不能攀登。Sales targets are indicated on the graph by a vertical dotted line.销售指标在图表中用竖虚线表示。Formal communication channels are usually vertical.正式的沟通渠道一般都是纵向的。The cliff plunged in a vertical drop to the bottom.悬崖陡立,直抵谷底。A scanner deflects the laser beam in horizontal and vertical directions.扫描仪在水平和垂直方向上使激光束转变方向。For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan.有些建筑的立面图能比平面图提供更多的信息。The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.这小玩意儿可以粘在任何垂直表面上。The climber inched up a vertical wall of rock.攀登者慢慢爬上了陡直的石壁。The Osprey helicopters are capable of vertical takeoff and landing, and they are strongly powered.鱼鹰直升机可以垂直起降,而且马力强大。A second vertical passage communicated with the horizontal passage.另一条纵向通道与这条横向通道相通。The board consists of vertical and horizontal lines.板上画着横纵的线条。You notice at once that the grain of the rock is vertical.你会马上发现岩石的纹路是竖直的。Move around with horizontal and vertical scroll bars.以横竖两种滚动条来回移动。The workers go down to the tunnels through a vertical shaft sunk from the top of the cliff.工人们经过一个从悬崖顶部开掘的竖井进入隧道。The vertical line makes an angle with the horizontal line.垂直线和水平线形成一个角。The vertical line on the graph represents the time taken, and the horizontal line represents the distance travelled.这张图表上垂直的线代表所花的时间,横线代表所走过的距离。We chose mahogany because of its rich tones and strong vertical grain.我们选择桃花心木是因为它底色鲜艳,竖直的纹路清晰可见。The rearmost aircraft peeled off into a vertical climb.最后面那架飞机脱离机群,开始垂直爬升。The pilots were being trained in vertical take-off.飞行员们正在进行垂直起飞训练。




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