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词汇 vase
例句 The vase was broken, but it was a clean break and easily repaired with a little glue.那只花瓶打破了,但裂口整齐,用一点胶就能粘好。The vase landed on the floor with a crash.花瓶砰的一声掉在了地板上。The vase lay in pieces on the floor.花瓶摔成了碎片散落一地。The vase was sold to a Dutch buyer.那只花瓶卖给了一名荷兰的买主。A vase fell off the shelf.一个花瓶从架子上掉了下来。This vase seems to be fragile.这只花瓶看上去易碎。She put the vase on the table.她把花瓶放在桌上。The vase wobbled but didn't fall over.这个花瓶摇摇晃晃,但是并没有倒下。The vase seems to have an orient origin.这花瓶好像来自东方。The vase fell and fragmented into small pieces.花瓶掉下,摔成碎片。There was a vase on top of the bookcase.书架顶上有个花瓶。The vase is very fragile, so handle it gently.花瓶易碎,轻拿轻放。The shop assistant wrapped the vase carefully in tissue paper.店员用薄纸将花瓶仔细地包好。Sorry I dropped the vase; I'm all fingers and thumbs today.对不起,我摔碎了花瓶;我今天真是笨手笨脚的。Put the vase on the shelf.把花瓶放到架子上。He loosed his grip suddenly and dropped the vase.他突然一松手把花瓶给掉了。I haven't got enough money with me right now. Can you keep the vase for me while I go to the bank?我现在没有足够的钱,我去银行时,你帮我留着这花瓶好吗?The vase broke into several pieces, but I was able to stick them all back together.花瓶碎成了好几块,不过我把它们全部粘回去了。Is the vase a genuine antique or a fake?这只花瓶是真古董还是赝品?The vase broke, but I managed to put it together again.花瓶打碎了,但我想办法把它重新拼了起来。The finished/end product was a beautiful vase.最终的成品是一个漂亮的花瓶。The vase she gave me occupies the place of honor in my living room.她送我的花瓶放在我的起居室最尊荣的位置。She tried to reach the vase but overbalanced herself and fell off the stool.她努力伸手去够花瓶,但身子一歪,从凳子上掉了下来。The leaves on the vase are outlined in gold.花瓶上的叶子镶上了金边。Be careful with that vase - it's very fragile.拿那只花瓶要小心——它很容易碎。The name of the artist appears on the vase.这位艺术家的名字出现在花瓶上。The flowers in the vase withered.花瓶里的花朵枯萎了。He was clasping the vase tightly, terrified of dropping it.他紧紧抱住花瓶,生怕把它摔了。She fell while reaching down a vase from the top shelf.她从架子顶格拿花瓶时摔倒了。He dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces.他一失手,花瓶掉在地上摔碎了。This vase is slightly discolored. By way of comparison , examine the vase on the left.这个花瓶有点褪色,查看左边的花瓶做一下对比。The vase fell from her hand and shattered on the floor.花瓶从她手里跌落到地板上摔碎了。The vase has been etched with leaves and flowers.花瓶上蚀刻着叶子和花朵。He surprised her at work with a vase of flowers. 他在她工作时送来了一瓶花,让她感到意外。Mum will be cross when she finds out about the broken vase.妈妈知道花瓶打破了会生气的。He set a vase of flowers on the table.他把一瓶花放在桌子上。She carefully put the vase down on the table.她小心翼翼地把花瓶放在桌子上。She carefully picked up the vase.她小心翼翼地拿起了花瓶。She put the fresh flowers in a vase.她将鲜花插在花瓶里。He carefully placed the vase upon the table.他小心翼翼地将花瓶放在桌子上。




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