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词汇 to seem
例句 He didn't want to seem unhelpful.他不想显出不合作的样子。Not wanting to seem too eager, Susan took her time about replying to the invitation.苏珊不想显得太急切,于是慢慢才回复请柬。The houses were so damaged by fire as to seem little more than the husks of dwellings.房屋被大火毁坏得非常严重,看起来仅剩下房间的空架子。I don't wish to seem ungrateful, but it's not quite what I expected.我并不想显得不领情,可这并非是我所期望的样子。The disappearance is so sudden as to seem magical.消失得如此突然,好像变魔术似的。The competition's judges take great care not to seem partial. 比赛裁判非常小心谨慎,以免显得有所偏袒。After Anna's kindness to me, I don't want to seem ungracious.安娜已经向我示好,我也不想显得无礼。Try not to seem too willing to help.试着别表现出太乐意帮忙的样子。We didn't want to seem to be pushy parents.我们不想让人觉得我们是独断专行的家长。I don't mean to seem ungrateful.我不想让人觉得我忘恩负义。I wouldn't want to seem ungracious after all their kindness.他们很友好,我不想显得无礼。We tried not to seem critical or judgmental while giving advice that would protect him from ridicule.我们在给他提供意见让他免受奚落时,尽量避免显得过于挑剔或妄下判断。I don't want to seem rude, but I'd rather be alone.我无意冒犯,但我想一个人呆着。She didn't want to seem too eager, so she decided to play it cool. 她不想显得太迫不及待,所以决定表现出冷静的样子。I don't want to seem picayune by criticizing.我不想因提批评意见而显得心胸狭窄。She didn't want to seem too eager, so she tried to play it cool. 她不想显得很心急,所以尽量故作冷静。She did not wish to seem curious about her neighbour's affairs.她不想显出爱打听邻居事情的样子。Chris didn't want to seem flash in front of his mates.克里斯不想在他同伴面前显得是在摆阔。I don't want to seem rude but I'm very pressed for time. Could I call you back later?我并不想显得这么无礼,但是现在时间很紧,我过会儿给你回电话好吗?I'd have asked more questions, but I didn't want to seem inquisitive.我本想问更多的问题,但我不想看起来显得八卦。




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