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词汇 to send
例句 They agreed to send a delegation to the African summit meeting.他们同意派一个代表团参加非洲峰会。They applied for a home equity loan to send their son to college.为了送他们的儿子上大学他们申请了以房屋为抵押资产的贷款。We need to send a strong message and not to depreciate the seriousness of the crime.我们需要发出一个强烈的信息,不能轻视这项犯罪的严重性。I'd like to send this package first-class.我想按第一类邮件邮寄这个包裹。He felt it wise to send an escort with the group.他觉得派一队人护送那批人比较明智。The commander has asked us to send reinforcements.指挥官要我们派增援部队。It's his parents' choice to send him to a boarding school, rather than a convenient day school.把他送到寄宿学校而非一家就近的走读学校是他父母的决定。I tried to send you an e-mail, but it got bounced back to me. 我曾试图给你发电子邮件,但是被退回来了。Japan has refused to send a representative to the talks in Geneva.日本拒绝派代表参加日内瓦会谈。Eric didn't even have the common sense to send for a doctor.埃里克甚至连去请大夫的常识都没有。I tried to send you an e-mail but it bounced.我曾试图给你发电子邮件,但是被退回来了。In certain countries the law obliges parents to send their children to school.在某些国家里,法律强制父母送子女上学。They planned to send a rocket to the moon.他们计划向月球发射火箭。The cheapest way to send it would be by parcel post.把它寄送出去的最便宜的方式是用包裹邮寄。We are moving ahead with plans to send financial aid.我们提供财政援助的计划进展顺利。There are no plans to send British troops to the area.没有计划派英国军队到该地区。It would be much cheaper to send the goods freight.把货物集中发运会便宜得多。I was disturbed to hear that the selection committee originally decided not to send a British team to this year's Championships.当我听说选拔委员会原本决定不派英国队去参加今年的锦标赛时,我觉得很不安。Britain is to send aid to the earthquake victims.英国将会援助地震灾民。We take this opportunity to send our condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in this disaster.我们借此机会向这次灾难的遇难者家属致哀。The child has no incentive to study harder because his parents cannot afford to send him to college.这孩子没有努力学习的动力,因为他父母供不起他上大学。The Internet allows people to send messages all over the world.互联网使人们得以向全世界发送信息。You will have to send away to the manufacturer for a refund.你得向制造商去函索取退款。Combat attrition was taking a steep toll, and to send green replacements into the skies was fruitless.战斗消耗使伤亡激增,把没有经验的新兵飞行员送上天空又完全于事无补。My father was ill and had to send his regrets.家父因病缺席,故深表歉意。Of course she would have to send a letter; she owed it to the family.她当然得写封信回去,跟家里联系是应该的。The company has promised to send an engineer tomorrow.公司答应明天派个工程师去。The plant began to send forth its shoots.这株植物开始长出新芽。I scanned in some photographs of the family to send to friends by email.我扫描了一些家人的照片,通过电子邮件发送给朋友。The British Foreign Office has decided the time is ripe to send its first female ambassador to the region.英国外交部作出决定现在可以向该地区派驻第一位女大使。My only resort was to send an appeal.我唯一的求助方式就是发出呼吁。She did not want to send her son to a school where he would be boxed in by so many rules and regulations.她不想把儿子送到一所被规章制度束手束脚的学校。Malaysia wants to send back refugees classed as economic migrants.马来西亚想遣返那些被归为经济移民的难民。After due consideration it was decided to send him away to live with foster parents.充分考虑之后决定将他送到养父母那儿生活。To obtain a passport, you have to send in your birth certificate with the form.要取得护照,你得把出生证和表格一起呈上。I can't imagine how she affords to send her kids to that school - it must cost a bomb.我真想象不出她如何供得起孩子上那所学校—那肯定要不少钱。It does call into question the decision to send troops into the area.向该地区派遣军队的决定确实引起了质疑。You mustn't forget to send her a card.你千万别忘了给她寄贺卡。We went to the airport to send him off.我们去机场欢送他。What pressures and fears drove him to send his own sister to death?是什么样的压力和恐惧驱使他置同胞姐妹于死地?




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